Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/292

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240 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 598. _ 1900. and for necessary ex ense of transporting insane Indians to and from said asylum, twelve tihousand dollars. » _ pr{;igf§§° °i “PP"* For increasing the amount heretofore appropriated. for the erection of said asylum for insane Indians at·Can·ton, South Dakota, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, the said sum being in addition to the amount V¤1-3¤.1>-941- appropriated for that purpose by the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes for the fiscal year-ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, and for other purposes," approved March first, eighteen hundred and ·iimii of °°S”· ninety-nine, and the limit of cost for Said asylum is fixed at the amount heretofore and herein appropriated, namely, sixty thousand dollars. The accounting officers of the Treasury Department are hereby i6;i;(i$*}I;V;’gg§,ii1Qits authorized and directed to pass to- the credit of Lucius A. Wright, ox. United States Indian a` ent of the Mission-Tule River (consolidated) Agency, California, on Iris quarterly accounts for the first quarter of the Hscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, the sum of five hundred dollars collected by ·him for grazing privileges on the Indian Reservations under his charge, and distributed by him directly to the Indians, under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior of May twenltiiethileighlteen hundreddand ninety-eight, and for which proper vouc ers ave een presente . kalggymegt to gies- For- this amount to enable the Secretary of the Interior to carry out kgshgiav .§,%“€¢€& EI the terms of the twenty-fourth article of the treaty of February

  • ii¤“S· twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, with the confederated .

' tribes of Kaskaxskia, Peoria, Piankeshaw, and Wea Indians, twenty-five v01. 1¤,p.s19. thousand five hundred and four dollars and ninety-six cents, asitemized and set forth in Senate Report Numbered Five hundred and eighty-two, Forty-fourth Congress, second session, at page three thereof, to be immediately available, and to be in full of all demands ` of said Indians under and by virtue of said treaty, said sum to be paid per capita to said Indians by the Secretary of the Interior, or expended or their benefit in such manner and for such objects and purposes as _i‘;;<{,*@°{,0n he may direct: Provided, That before any paymzent shall be made to ` said Indians under this Act the sum of one thousand one hundred and eighty-one dollars and sixty-nine cents shall be deducted and paid to Q1`. F.dRichar&ixiiIg>, or his legal representatives, on account of money oane to sain ians. Sémi¤°i°.i¤*ii¤¤¤· That the Secretar of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized oxigiiiiiigiiioibuiaucc to pay the balance off awards made to the loyal Seminole Indians under V0l.14,p.756. the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, with interest thereon, as per articles three and four of the treaty of March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and paragraph fourteen of the agreement of December sixteenth, eighteen hun re and ninety-Seven, such pay- ment to be in full settlement and satisfaction of all claims under said I articles and aragraph; and the sum of one hundred and eighty-six i"°"i’*°· thousand dolliars is ereby a propriated for the purpose: Provided, &¥;*;§;F;f,”g€‘I‘;jQ§,§’,;fi That if any of the said loyal Sieminoles whose names are on the lists of awards-as made up in pursuance of said treaty of eighteen hundred and sixty-six shall have died, then the amountpdue sudlii deceased persgnsil respectively, shall be paid go rtglieg legal hpiip, andl the acceptancg o the sum ereby appropriate s a be in u sett ement of sai awards. — . as ` Chickasaw N°ii°¤· That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ay .out and distribute in the following manner the P { b E sum plfliswo hugrired and liixteen thlciusland six hundred and sevecpty- . ‘%>'m"'?i ° we ‘ nine dollars an ort -ei t cents, w ic amount was appropriate y fixinriiisohncompeteut the Act of June twfintygieighth, eighteen hundred angpniriiety-eight, V°i‘3°’°'5°5' and credited to the "incompetent fund" of the Chickasaw Indian Nation on the books of the United States Treasury, namely: First,