Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/247

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F IFTY-SIXTH` CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 555. 1900. 195 expended in continuing the investigations concerning the feasibility of extending the demands of foreign markets for the agricultural products of the United States, and to secure, as far as may be, a change in the methods of supplying farm products to foreign countries, one hundred and ten thousand dollars, of which sum not more than sixty thousand dollars shall be expended for salaries in the city of Washington, District of Columbia. . ~ BOTANIGAL INVESTIGATION AND EXPERIMENTS1 Investigations relat- m§gtg“f;§°c‘}1 °‘P°"*‘ ing to medicinal, fiber, and other economic or poisonous plants and seeds, the collection of plants, traveling expenses and express charges; the purchase of paper and all other necessary supplies, materials, and _ apparatus; for gas and electric current; for the employment of local · an special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor in conducting experiments in the city of Washington and elsewhere; and in collating, digesting, reporting, and illustrating the results of such experiments; su scriptions to, and purchase of, botanical publications for use in the division; and the preparation, illustration, and publication of reports; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to urchase segzréochnsins sample samples of seeds in open market, test same, and when found) not up to standard, he may, at his discretion, publish the results of these tests, together with the names of the seedsmen by whom the seeds ‘ were sold, thirty thousand dollars, of which! sum two thousand dollars shall be immediately available, and of which amount a sum not exceeding one thousand_dollars may be used for the rent and ordinary repairs of a building for office and laboratory purposes; ENTOMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS2 Promotion of economic entomol- ve§t§g"f,'{§},‘;_¥‘“‘ *“‘ ogy; investigating the history and habits of insects injurious and bene- Ecial to agriculture, horticulture, and arboriculture; ascertaining the best means of destroying those found to be injurious, including an investigation into the ravages of the codling moth with a. view of ascertaining the best method of its extermination; investigations in apiculture; purchase of chemicals, insecticide apparatus, and other materials, supplies, and instruments required in conducting such experiments and investigations; for the employment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in conducting experiments in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and in collating, digesting, reporting, and illustrating the results of such experiments; freight and express charges, and necessary traveling expenses; preparing, illustrating, and publishing the results of the work of the d1vision, twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars. · VEGETABLE PATHoLocroAL INvmsT1GAT1oNs: Investigating the nature ,c§,‘%§ §‘D°g°¥‘ of diseases injurious to fruits, fruit trees, grain, cotton, vegetables, and other useful plants; experiments in the treatment of the same; the employment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor in conducting ex eriments in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and in collating, digesting, reporting, and illustrating the results of such experiments; for gas and electric current, purchase of chemicals and apparatus required in the field and laboratory; necessary traveling expenses; the preparation of reports and illustrations; the rent of a building, not to exceed six hundred and sixty dollars per annum; and for other expenses connected with the practical work of the investigation, twenty-eight thousand dollars, of which sum two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be used for the erection, heating, and equipment of a plant house upon the Department grounds, for conducting investigations and experiments on the diseases of plants and methods o preventing them; Provided, That two thousand dollars of this sum, or so much thereof §'u°],’§,Q; scmmc as may be necessary, may be used by the Secretary of Agriculture for ams. the employment of student scientific aids, at an annual salary of four hundred and eighty dollars each. `