Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/238

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186 FIFTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 552. 1900. EX¥’°”$°°°‘°‘“?°”· __For the necessary expenses of officers while temporarily employed " on ordnance duties at the proving ground and absent from their proper stations, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per diem whi e so employed, and the compensation of draftsmen while employed in the Army Ordnance Bureau on ordnance construction, eighteen thousand seven hundred dollars. Railroad ¤i¤i¤s¤- For sidings on the Government reservation adjoining the Highland . Beach Station of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, three thousand four hundred dollars. · Repairs or tracks. For repairs of railroad tracks connecting the proving ground with the Central Railroad of New Jersey, three thousand dollars. . VVATERVLIET ARSENAL, WEST TROY, NEW Yonx. W¤*¤"l*°°A”*‘=¤¤‘· For replacing portion of metalroof of main storehouse .and shops, for general repairs on roof and cornice of gun sho , including inter1or gutters, and so forth, repairing metal roof of blldcksmith shop, and 1nclosing wall and bridges, eighteen thousand eight hundred dollafs. mma pfo1jduanc¢ BOARD or ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION. and Fortiiication. · P¤r¤¤¤»¤¤¤- To enable the board to make all needful and plroper purchases, experiments, and tests to ascertain, with a view to their uti ization by the Government, the most effective guns, small arms, cartridges, projectiles, fuses, explosives, torpedoes, armor plates, and other implements and engines of war, and to purchase or cause to be manufactured, under authority of the Secretary of War, such guns, carriages, armor plates, and other war material as may, in the judgment of the board, · be necessary in the roper discharge of the duty evolved upon it by V}>l;?5·P·*89· .the Act approved Se tember twenty-second, eighteen hundred and (?‘“h““ m"mb°" eighty-eig `t; to pay tge salary of the civilian member of the Board V°l‘ 26* "‘ 7°°‘ of Ordnance and Fortification rovided by the Act of February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundredp and ninety-one, and for the necessary travelin expenses of said member when traveling on duty Expenses. as contemplated in said Act; for the (payment of the- necessary exgensesof the board, including a per iem allowance to each oiHcer etailed to serve thereon, when em loyed on duty away from his permanent station, of two dollars ami) fifty cents a day; and for the test of experimental guns, carriages, and other devices procured in ac- _ cordance with the- recommendation of the Board of Ordnance and EMM `. Fortification, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That before ght ..0 use inven- . . mms. any money shall be expended in the construction or test of any gun, gun carriage, ammunition, or implements under the supervision o the said board, the board shall be satisfied, after due inquiry, that the Governmentof the United States has a lawful right to use the inventions involved in the construction of such gun, gun carriage, ammunition, or implements, or that the construction or test is made at the _ request of a person either having such, lawful right or authorized to convey the same to the Government. ‘ A]:gg=g1¤§¤¤ ulguljgagf That all material purchased under the foregoing provisions of this me. _ Act shall be of American manufacture, except in cases when, in the “°‘°°p“°"· °udgment of the Secretary of War, it is to the manifest interest of the llmted States to make purchases in limited quantities abroad, which material shall be admitted free of duty. Emery carriage- EMERY GARRIAGE. p,§f,‘§ff§§§§f,§e‘§{““°‘ To enable A. H. Emery to comiplete and erect the twelve-inch ele- ` vatilnyg carriage he is building or the Government, the Secretary _ of ar is hereby authorized and directed to increase the contract price of said carriage and its foundations from one hundred and ten thousand dollars to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and