Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/222

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170 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Cris. 383-385. 1900. not more than five thousand dollars or be imprisoned for a term of not giore thaxil two years, or b}oth.h H b ld H f -f9*f¤“¤*° *0 exim " nc. 2. That any erson w 0 s a ui a re in or near any orest, ldililh more leaving timber, or other inflalinmable material upon the public domain shall, before leavin said fire, totally extinguish the same. Any (person failing to do so sdiall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, an upon conviction thereof in any district court of the United States having jurisdiction of the same shall be fined in a sum not more than one thousand dollars or be imprisoned for a term of not more than one year, or both. cO!§§&%§¤i¤¤ of ¤¤¤¤ “Sec. 3. That in all cases arising under this Act the fines collected ` shall be paid into the public-school fund of the county in which the lands where the offense was committed are situated." Approved, May 5, 1900. May 7, 1900. CHAP. 384.-An Act For the appointment of an additional United States com- ——-i—·-1 missioner in the northern judicial district of the Indian Territory. V . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §*di¤(§,*f1Q',’;1i';,°;>;· 0, States of America in Congress assembled, That the judge of the United mdlpmbnnl United States court in the Indian Territory presiding in the northern judicial §§‘“{€€W$,‘§,‘{§?°‘§’fQ§°§§,$l district thereof is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint an Zed- 5 additional United States commissioner within said district, who shall beepermanently located at Wewoka, in the Seminole Nation, and to prescribe by metes and bounds the portion of the district for which such commissioner is appointed. Approved, May 7, 1900. May 9. 1900- CHAP. 385.-An Act In amendment of sections two and three of an Act entitled `_ `“ "An Act granting pensions to soldiers and sailors who are incapacitated for the performance of manual labor, and providing for pensions to widows, minor children, and tdependent parents," approved June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and mne y. Be it enacted by the Senate and Jibase of Representatives of the United §gQ¤i°gg· P ,82 States of America in Congress assemble , That sections two and three amended.` ’ of an Act entitled "An Act granting pensions to soldiers and sailors who are incapacitated for the performance of manual labor, and providing for pensions to widows, minor children, and dependent parents," be, and the same are hereby, amended so as to read as follows: d,g,’§{’§Sgf(§§g°;D*g “Sec. 2. That all persons who served ninety days or more in the anim. military or naval service of the United States during the late war of the rebellion and who have been honorably discharged therefrom, and who are now or who may hereafter be suffering from any mental or physical . disability or disabilities of a permanent character, not the result of their own vicious habits, which so incapacitates, them from the performance of manual labor as to render them unable to earn a support, — shall, upon making due proof of the fact, according to such rules and _ regulations as the Secretary of the Interior ma provide, be placed

,‘{,‘g,§,{{f‘“m· ° “°· - upon the list of invalid pensioners of the Unitedv States, and be entitled to receive a pension not exceeding twelve dollars per month and

_ _ _ not less than six dollars per month, roportioned to the degree of ,_§f,‘§§;"‘;g“‘;‘j,‘§,'j°§,Q‘,}j inability to earn a suplport; and in determining such inability each rgghmencementand and every mtirmity sha be duly considered, and the aggregate of the continuance or pen. disabilities shown be rated, and such pension shall commence from the i°“· date of the filing of the application in the Bureau of Pensions, after the passage of this ·Act, upon proof that the disability or disabilities c then existed, and shall continue during the existence of the same: Prwwvs- Provided, That persons who are now receiving pensions under exist-