Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2134

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2082 mnnx. . . Judges (see also U. S. Courts). Page- Judicakzl DistMcts—·C0ntinued. l P¤z<·=· appropriation for expenses tif district. . 641, 1183 Pennsylvaniahmlidsjlle district created 880 or circuit courts o appea s . 641, 1183 courts esta i e 880 §0r §§§enses,lI1IrTdian{_1‘er1;·ito13riri 641, lgig appoint§nent of judicial officers 881 or itiona , ew or an awaii. . terms o court etc 881 for salaries of retired .. 1008 Tennessee, northeastern division, eastern deficiency appropriation for salary, Ha- district, terms of court 735 waii . 303 , Texas, new division of eastern created . . . 798 for additional, New York . 303 West Virginia divided into northern and for expenses of district_ 306 southern districts . 736 §or Expenses, cirpluit cgilarts of appeals . . 1322 appointiment of judicial officers author- 7 or istrict nort ern io ize . 36 for travelixig expenses, etc . 1047 duties of existing marshal and attorney; 737 for southern district, West Virginia 736 transfer of certain pending] cases ... 737 of, for middle district of Pennsylvania. . 881 terms of court, northern 'strict ... 737 appointment for eastern district of Ken- terms of court, southern district ... 738 tucky 782 [ Judicial Ex enses. (See also, United States Judgments, Courts.;) deficiency appropriation for United 1052 I appropriation goé . . .. 132, lggg courts . or is ricto o um ia . ,. §or gndian gepredation claims. . . J %eflcien?* alppgopgation for U. S. courts. . 138 or ourt o aim ,,,,, u iciary ar . . _ for Igistr%2t of gglumbig . .. , 289: 1021 I appropgatiglii for care of, etc 1166 , Judicial see United States ourts . . uneau as Judicial Districts, seat otlgoveriiment established at 32] Alaska to constitute .. . . 321, Jupiter, ,_ Californigiesiouthern, certain counties. at- 219 appropriatiogd for Wpagier Bureau build- 25 tac to . ingm eavaia e etc ... 9 two divisions created . 219 Jurors, United States Courts, ’ terms of court, etc .. . . 219 appropriationfor fees 640, 1182 proce g, pgnding lg-pits, etc . de‘dciency appropriation for fees ... OES, court u1 ing at resno .. 1 1 1 clerk’s office to be at Los Angeles .. 220 for meals, etc 306, 1047: 1183 Florida, southern, term of court at Ocala- 180 in Porto Rico, mileage, etc .. 954 Georgia, northvtgelstern division of north- 74 Ju{o*g, Di CH em, crea .. is se ec `ons etc . 1222 terms of court 73 teims of Service .. 1222 pending cases, etc 74 Jury Commissioners, _ appointment of deputy clerk, etc .. 74 appropriation for compensation 41, 1183 Iowa, southern, southern division created . 249 de ciency appropriation for compensation- 306, terms of court, etc 249 1047 deputy clerk, etc . 250 Jury, D. C, Louisiana, western, terms pg court in . J specialfpzziil . -- 1201 N w York western creat . ustices o ·t eace germs otleourt, etd 175 i appropriation for fees 640, 1182 Mississippi, terms at Biloxi . 165 I Justiceaof the Peace, C2, North Carolina, eastern, circuit court to be appointment, quahfication, etc ... 1190 ~ held at NewbernandE1izabeth City. 274 ‘ appeals from ... 1201 Porto Rico to constitute . . 84 { Tennessee, eastern, new division  ;.. - 5 g · terms of court; pending causes 5 j K_ Dyer.County transferred to western divi- 183 R d A Al L sion ...,..,,..,., 1 _ ’a ia · as ·a Texas, (jonelgo Cpiénty attached to north- 2 Kcgnimisgiloneii to reside at 112 ``a istrict ..,.,,.,,_...,_ 18 Q a u ui awazi penrglizlgetigés, ets ________,,,,,, · .,,., 218 i ports of entry and delivery established at. 159 Foard County attached to Fort Worth, di- i Kaibab Indians, Utah, . vision of northern district . 74 appropriation for support, etc., of 1072 Texas, northern district, terms of court .. 27 Kaigler, Mary A. C. (widow), . Virginia, tern? of district court at Char— 136 I Kpension increased ... 1567 tte vi e . _ ansas Wiscon(din,B western, terms of court at F Fort Tlays military reservation granted to. 52 Superior . 219 { ‘ sale of isolated tracts, etc., of Osage trust, deputy clerk to reside atfSupe€ior, Wis. K gwtc.,It_ands, authorized 659 ‘ A k eastern terms 0 cour ‘ ‘ , ansas y ans. Geo§i:seastern givision of northern dis- 818 i Kappropgatgi fox: public building L .., 1134 tt te ..,...,,.. ansas ty o. term of gdsiit, etc _,,__..,,,,, 818 appropriation ior special facilities on trunk Iowa, southern district, terms of court at _ HUG postal S<§f\fi0€ -----·----·-.. 259,1105 Creston ghanged _______,__,_,. 730 deficiency appropmation for elevators, etc. 10 Kentucky, divided into eastern and west- Iémsas Indians, ern; terms of court, etc ... 781 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. 227, 1064 Missouri, western, southwestern division Kansas Indians, Okla., g created; terms of court, etc 739 appropriation for support, etc., of . 234, 1072 Ohio, northern, additional judie to be Karlulc Packing Company, _ appointed; vacancy not to e filled. 726 may purchase certain lands in Alaska 180