Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2045

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. l€l93 JOHN M. SMITH. M&YlG,19U0. Resolved by the Ifouse of R resentatifves the Senate eoneurrvht , That J°h“ {W S'““"· - the President be requestedqto return td the House the bi1{)of the billiziiruhelgdycnmou House numbered (H. R. 5156), "Granting an increase of pension to John M. Smith." Passed the House May 15, 1900. Passed the Senate May 16, 1900.. PUBLICATIONS NAVAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. May 16,1900. Resolved by the Senate (the Ifouseo Re, resentatives eonoawin That . N°“’S °¤ me S¥’““‘ there shall be printed and bound érecgzhousand five hundred)copies miiiiiiiiidigliallizii. of Notes on the Spanish-American Wa1·, Office of Naval Intelligence, Navy Department, with accompan ing papers and documents, of which one thousand copies shall be for tllie use of the Senate, two thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives and five hundred copies for the use of the Navy Department. Passed the Senate April 25, 1900. Passed the House May 16, 1900, with the following amendments: (Amendments incorporated in the foregoing.) STATUE OF OLIVER P. MORTON. May 16,1900. Resolved by the Senate (the Ifouse of R@7'€8€72.lOll’l’U6»S‘ concurring), That Mggggi °‘ °1“'°' P‘ there be printed and bound of the proceedings in Congress upon the r§g};g{;§,§*d$$gc 0; acceptance of the statue of the late Oliver P. M0l'tOH, presented iiig. ° P by the State of Indiana, sixteen thousand five hundred copies, of which five thousand shall be for the use of the Senate, ten thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaining one thousand Eve hundred shall be for the use and distribution by the Governor of Indiana; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby E¤€·'¤*Vi¤·g· directed to have printed an engraving of said statue to accompany said proceedings, said engraving to be paid for out of the appropriation for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Passed the Senate May 8, 1900. Passed the House May 16, 1900. "PEACH LEAF CURL; ITS NATURE ANI) TREATMENTY Mayzx. 1900. Resolved lz the Ifouse of Re Jresentatives (the Senate eonezu~w·/ng), That Wy'? L€*‘~lC¤'l·€*¤· there be pridted seventeen thousand five hundred copies of Bulletin Biiiietiiiudifmemd Oi numbered 'l`wcnty, of the Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology, United States Department of Agriculture»—Peach Leaf Curl; Its Nature and Treatmentethe same to be printed from the stereotype plates in the Government Printing Office, ten thousand copies to be distributed by the Department of Agriculture, two thou sand five hundred copies to be distributed by the members of the Senate, and five thousand copies to be distributed by the members of the House of Representatives. Passed the House May 11, 1900. Passed the Senate May 21. 1900.