Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/202

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150 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 339. 1900. p,,};§*g‘};‘j Oggwggpggj Sec. 54. That in case of failure of the legislature to pass appropripenses. ation bills providing for payments of the necessary current expenses of carrying on the overnment and meeting its legal obligations as the same are provided for by the then existing laws, the governor shall, exrmsession- upon the adjournment of the legislature, call it in extra session for the consideration of appropriation bills, and until the legislature shall have acted the treasurer may, with the advice of the governor, make such payments, for which purpose the sums appropriated in the last appropriation bills shall be deemed to have been reappropriated. And a l legislative and other appropriations made prior to the date when this Act shall take effect, shall be available to the government of the Territory of Hawaii. LEGISLATIVE rownn. Legislative power. Sec. 55. That the legislative power of the Territory shall extend to "”°°p° °f‘ all rightful subjects of legislation not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States locally applicable. The legislature, at its first regular session after the census enumeration shall be ascertained, and from time to time thereafter, shall reapportion the membership in the senate and house of representatives among the senatorial and representative districts on the basis of the population in each of .4-ixeinssve privr-said districts who are citizens of the Territory; but the legislature {$§§§j "‘°" m °°”’°“"' shall not grant to any corporation, association, or individual any special or exclusive privilege, immunity, or franchise without the approval —r>¤iV¤*€ chmem of Congress; nor shall it grant private charters, but it may by general —i¤¢¢>*¤<>¤**i¤¤S- act permit persons to associate themselves together as bodies corporate for manufacturing, agricultural, and other industrial pursuits, and for conducting the business of insurance, savings banks, banks of discount and deposit (but not of issue), loan, trust, and guaranty associations, for the establishment and conduct of cemeteries, and for the construction and operation of railroads, wagon roads, vessels, and irrigating ditches, and the colonization and improvement of lands in connection therewith, or for colleges, seminaries, churches, libraries, or any other §r<>¤{¢*¤· . benevolent, charitable, or scientific association : Provided That no ea estateholdings _ _ . _ . _ _ . . _ ’ . pr nnnnninnns inn- coxpoiatron, domestic or for eign, shall acquire and hold real estate in "°d· °‘°· Hawaii in excess of one thousand acres; and all real estate acquired or held by such corporation or association contrary hereto shall be forfeited and escheat to the United States, but existing vested rights in Dimes- real estate shall not be impaired. No divorce shall be granted by the · legislature, nor shall any ivorce be ranted by the courts of the Territory unless the applicant therefor sgall have resided in the Territory for two years next preceding the application, but this provision shall nnnenes. not affect any action pending when t is Act takes effect; nor shall any Liquors. lottery or sale of lottery tickets be allowed; nor shall spirituous or intoxicating liquors be sold except under such regulations and restricm,§§§;Mi¤¤· €*°-· tions as the Territorial legislature shall provide; nor shall any public ` money be appropriated for the support or benefit of any sectarian, denominational, or private school, or any school not under the exclusc§i°VF”‘m°“° S“b‘ sive control of the government; nor shall the government of the Terpt.1on_ to stock of . .. . . . . ¤ . . . o0rp0rations,etc. ritory of Hawau, or any pol1t1ca1 or municipal corporation or subdivision of the Territory, make any subscription to the ca ital stock of any incorporated company, or in any manner lend its credit for the use Qontracting ien·i- thereof; nor shall any debt be authorized to be contracted by or on f,‘{§l*“d°bt“°S"‘°‘°d* behalf of the Territory, or any political or municipal corporation or subdivision thereof, except to pay the interest upon the existing indebtedness, to suppress insurrection, or to provide for the common defense, except that in addition to any indebtedness created for such purposes the legislature may authorize loans by the Territory, or any such subdivision thereof, for the erection of penal, charitable, and educational institutions, and for public buildings, wharves, roads, and harbor and