Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1987

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CONVENTION-—GERMANY. JULY 10, 1900 1930 Agreement between the [matted States and Germany. Ocozctuded at JUIY 1°·i°;_ ll/l?lSd,Z.72g?i072, 10, V Cdmnrercial agree- · ment with Germany. The Undersigned, on behalf of their respective Governments have I’“’”m"‘°· concluded the followin Con1mercial Agreement. I., In conformity wit? the authority conferred on the President in §gQ,u*;’édP·[§Q,§,€s on Section 3 of the Customs Act of the United States approved .July 24, German imports. 1897, it is agreed on the part of the United States that the following roducts of the soil and industry of Germany imported into the United States shall, from and after the date when this Agreement shall be put in force, be subject to the reduced Tariff rates provided by said Section 3, as follows:— l Upon argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, crude, five per centum ad valorem. Upon brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials, one dollar and seventy-five cents per proof gallon. Upon still wines, and vermuth, in casks, thirty-five cents per gallon; in bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and twenty-five cents per case, and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of four cents per pint or fractional partt ereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed upon the bottles or jugs. Upon paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, and statuary, fifteen per centum ad valorem. » · II. Reciprocally theolmgerial German Government guarantees to -—<>¤ ¤U¤i¤¢d SMES the products of the Unite States on their entry into Germany the mm s` Tariff rates which have been conceded by the Commercial Treaties concluded during the years 1891-1894 between Germany on the one part, and Belgium, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Roumania, Russia, Switzerland and Serbia on the other part. Moreover, the Imperial German Government will as soon as this -¤V¤P<¤¤*¤df¤¤i*¤- Agreement shall be put in force, annul the regulations providing that the dried or evaporated fruits imported from the United States into Germany be inspected on account of the San J osé scale. These fruits shall during the continuance in force of this Agreement be admitted into Germany without other charges than the payment of the Customs duties to which they may now or in future be subject by law. III. From and after the date of the P1‘esident’s Proclamation which Dummshall give eifect to this Agreement, the same shall be in force and shall continue in full force until three months from the date when either Party shall notify the other of its intention to terminate the same. Done in duplicate in English and German texts at Washington this tenth day of July one thousand nine hundred. c _ J om: HAY [san,.] S"·'“““"`°?‘ Secretary of State of the Z/Zztted States of America. . Hontnmm [san.] Ambassador Extraordinary and Ptemymteez-tiary of [Es Imperial and R at Majesty the German Einpercr, %72g ofPrussta.