Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1480

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1428 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 85-1. 1901. °"°"°“““g PMS and grounds in the District of Columbia under their jurisdiction; and _ no such plat of subdivision made in pursuance of such orders shall be admitted to record in the office of the surveyor of said District without an order to that effect indorsed thereon by the Commissioners of said District. “"“°‘S· ““`· Sec. 1602. Sranmrs, Asn so l`OI{TI1.—All spaces on any duly recorded plat of land thereon designated as streets, avenues, or alleys shall thereupon become public ways, provided they are made in conformity with the preceding section. C<>}¤<>¤€fi¢S· fight Of Sec. 1603. CEMETERIES.—If by the extension of any of the present way through, for _ _ _ . . . ·. meets, em. streets or avenues or the opening of any public way it becomes necessary to traverse any grounds now used as a cemetery or place of burial, the Commissioners are empowered to secure a right of way through the same by stipulation with the proprietors thereof. ,0§g1bg;i{;;>1¤;) gevgggj Sec. 1601. Smsnrvisrox TO ooxroim TO PLAN or WAsmxcroN.— mgmn. No subdivision of land in the District of Columbia without the limits of the city of Wrashington shall be recorded in the office of the surveyor or in the office of the recorder of deeds unless the same shall have been first approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia and be in conformity with the recorded plans for a permanent system of highways. C¤§¤¤Hi¤·g of ¤“•¢>‘· Sec. 1605. CHANGING or ALLEYVVAYS.wTh&t whenever all the owners WBVE. » ' of an entire square, or all the owners of a part of a square bounded on all sides by public streets, in the District of Columbia, shall present to the Commissioners of the Distirct of Columbia a petition asking that any alley or alleys within said square or part of square may be closed wholly or partially, and shall in said petition offer to dedicate for public use, and shall so dedicate if in the opinion of the Commissioners of said District such dedication is necessary, as alleyways ground owned by the petitioners in amount equal at least in area to that of the alleyway sought to be closed, and shall also present to said Commissioners with said petition a correct plat of said square or part of square signed by all of the owners thereof, upon which shall be accurately delineated the positions and dimensions of the existing alley Way or ways and a subdivision of the entire area of the alley or alleys sought to be closed into parcels, according to an agreement of all said owners for the future ownership of the same, the name of the agreed future owner of each parcel being marked thereon, and showing also the position and dimensions of the new alley way or ways proposed to be substituted therefor, it shall be the duty of said Commissioners, upon being satisfied of the truth of the facts stated in the petition as to ownership and of correctness of the plat, and also that the proposed change will not be detrimental to the public convenience, to make an order declaring the existing alley way or ways closed, as prayed for, and opening the new alley way or ways proposed to be substituted therefor. -i·igm.g.m vest, em., Sec. 1606. That the Commissioners shall cause a certified copy of §f;§’f,§2‘§1§BL§?1°“°” the order to be attached to the plat and delivered to the petitioners, who shall file the same for record with the recorder of deeds of the District and also in the office of the surveyor of the District, each of whom shall record the same, and thereafter the right of the public to use the alley way or ways declared closed and the proprietary interest of the United States therein shall forever cease and determine, and the title to the same shall be vested according to the agreement of the owners as shown in the aforesaid plat, each person being thenceforward the O\VIl€1' in fee simple of the parcel or parcels upon which his name shall be marked as provided in the aforegoing section. The new alley way or ways described in said order and delineated on said plat i shall thereafter be and remain dedicated to public use as alleyways,