Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1477

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 854,. 1901. 1425 , approved by the Commissioners, conditioned for the faithful discharge . Of the duties of his office, andgshall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation before the Commissioners that he will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of his office, which bond and oath shall be ‘ deposited with the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. _ SEO, 1579. ASSISTANT SURVEYOR.·7Tl1G Commissioners of the Dis- AS¤i¤¤i¤¤¤w¤r¤¤- tmiglj, of Columbia, on the recommendation of the surveyor, are hereby ‘ authorized to appoint one assistant surveyor, at a salary of one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, and Such employees .as may in the judgment of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be required for the surveyor’s office and operation, at an aggregate expense of not exceeding ten thousand dollars in any one year. See. 1580. SCALE OF rLATs.—The plats and squares and subdivi- SMB Of PMS- sions of the city of `Washington shall be drawn upon a uniform scale of not less than one inch to fifty feet, and shall show the linesof all Subdivisions of the squares as the same existed at the date of the comletion of each Square; P See. 1581. SUBDIVISIONS.—·WhG11CVGI' the proprietor of any square S¤b<iM¤i¤¤¤· or lot shall deem it necessary to subdivide the same into convenient building lots or portions for sale and occupancy and alleys for their accommodation, he may cause a plat to be made by the Surveyor, on which shall be expressed the dimensions and length of all the lines of such portions as are necessary for defining and laying off the same on . the ground, and may certify Such subdivision under his hand and seal, in the presence of two or more credible witnesses, upon the same plat or on a paper or parchment attached thereto. i _ _ _ Sec. 1582. At the request of the proprietor the surveyor shall ,,,S§§§§°*m"“ Of "“‘ examine whether the lots or parcels into which any square or lot may be subdivided as arovided in the rceedin section agree in dimensions with the whole of the square ol; lot so i§tendcd to be subdivided, and whether the dimensions expressed on the plat of subdivision be the true dimensions of the parts so expressed; and if upon such examination he shall find the plat correct, he shall certify the same under his hand and seal, with such remarks as appear to him necessary, and Shall record the plat as examined in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. ~ Sec. 1583. REFERENCE TO SUBDIVISIONS.·—Wh6H a subdivision of d,§g{g{;_“°€ W Sub` any square or lot shall be so certified, examined, and recorded, the ‘ I purchaser of any part thereof or any person interested therein may refer to the plat and record for description in the same manner as to squares and lots divided between the Commissioners and original proprietors. . Sec. 158a. ALLEYS.-—The ways, alleys, or passages laid out or Allmexpressed on any plat of subdivision Shall be and remain to the public; or subject to the uses declared by the person making such Subdivision at all times under the Same police regulations as the alleys laid Off by the Commissioners on division with the original proprietors. A Sec. 1585. DEEICIENCY IN NUMBER or FEET.·Wh@U6VB1' the sur- b€§§)§g{;§¤Y in ¤¤m· V©y0r shall lay off any lot, or any parts into which a square or lot may · ` be subdivided, as provided in this chapter, he shall measure the whole of that front of the square on which such lot or part lies, and if, on Such admeasurement, the whole front of the square exceeds or falls short Qi the aggregate of the fronts of the lots on that side of the square, as the same are recorded, he shall ap_portion such excess or deficiency taliiong the lots »or pieces on that front agreeably to their respective Cllliensions,' i . Sec. 1586. I)ARTY WALLS.w·\ll’Yh6H€V€1', on such admeasurement, the Party W*’“S· wall of a house previously erected by any proprietor shall appear to C $t2m<l on the adjoining lot of any other pe·rson in part less than seven E‘jj{},°§d§f}l,{d‘§§§;§§‘; 1¤Ghes in width thereon, such wall shall be considered standing let. A