Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1220

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1168 F IFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 853. 1901. made available for the necessary water-pipe connections and for each and every purpose necessary to make said boiler house most effective for the elevator service. ’ Military posts- MILITARY rosrs. 0<>¤Str¤<=ti¤¤- For the construction of buildings at, and the enlargement of, such military posts as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be necessary, and for the erection of barracks and quarters for the artillery in connection with the adopted project for seacoast defense, and for the urchase of suitable building sites for said barracks and quarter<, eigllit hundred and sixty thousand dollars. §,r;;1;¤¤;% ggg-¤1>im_ The unexpended balance of the appropriation made by the sundry mcs miide avambis. civil Act approved July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, for V°l·$°·l’l’·"2·62°· continuing construction and improvements at the military post at Spokane, Washingtoii, is hereby reappropriated and made available until · the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, together with such-additional sum out of the amount appropriated for construction of buildings at and enlar ement of military posts as may in the discretion of the Secretary of %Var be necessary to be expended for continuing construction and improvements at said military post until the close of the iiscal year nineteen hundred and two. wllgtt D- A- Russell- For continuing work of rebuilding quarters, and for rebuilding `commanding officer’s quarters at Fort D. A. Russell, \Vyoming, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of \Var, thirty-tive thousand dollars. _ _ l"°“ M°*“l°· S-D“k· For the construction of permanent buildings at Fort Meade, South Dakota, and for other necessary improvements, thirty-tive thousand dollars. W§gf" M.*‘°K°“zl°· For continuing the work of constructing the necessary buildings, ` quarters, barracks, and stables for the military post of Fort MacKen- _ _ zie, in the vicinity of Sheridan, Wyoming, thirty-five thousand dollars. Df§" L“’°°l“· 1* For continuing the work of constructing the necessary buildings, quarters, barracks, and stables for the military post of Fort Lincoln, at Bismarck, North Dakota, thirty-five thousand dollars. ggfglgfgs §g*·“‘l· Toward the enlargement of Governor’s Island, two hundred thousand ` dollars; and for the erection of storehouses and other necessary buildings, in accordance with the plan reported by a board composed of Major-General John R. Brooke, Colonel George L. Gillespie, and Colonel Amos S. Kimball, dated July twenty-first, nineteen hundred, sixty thousand dollars; in all, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Fm M°“'°°·V"· Four Mormon, VIRGINIA: For repair and maintenance of wharf, including all necessary labor and material therefor, painting freight house, cleaning, paintingand repairs to ironwork of wharf, and fuel, oil, and supplies for waiting rooms, and water for iiushing closets, seven thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars; wharlinger, nine hundred dollars; laborer, four hundred and twenty dollars; in all, eight thousand nine hundred and forty-five dollars; for one-half of said sum to be supplied by the United States, four thousand four hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents. Repairs and operation of roads, pavements, streets, lights, and gen- ' eral police: For rakes, shovels, and brooms; stone and labor for macadamizing streets, brick, cement, terra-cotta drainpipe, and catch basins; electric lights for streets; repairs to roads, avements, walks, and street crossings, three thousand and forty-five dlollars; driver for olice cart, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, three thousand five hundred and twenty-tive dollars; for one-half of said sum to be su plied by the United States, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two cibllars and fifty cents.