Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1209

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 853. 1901. 1157 portion of the Capitol building;~the renovation and decoration of the rotunda; also for the construction of a iireproof building adjacent to the grounds of the Capitol building, to be used for offices, storage and power plant urposes connected with the Capitol building, one thousand five hundred dollars, to be immediately available. To provide flags for the east and west fronts of the center of the F1¤s¤- Capitol, to be hoisted daily under the direction of the Capitol police board, one hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For continuing the work of cleaning and repairing works of art in Cleaning works or the Capitol, including the repairing of frames, under the direction of m` the Joint Committee on the Library, one thousand five hundred dollars. Imrnovmo rm: Cnrrror. enounnsz For continuing the work of the Cupiwlsrvuudsimprovement of the Capitol grounds and for care of the grounds, one clerk, and the pay of mechanics, gardeners, and laborers; for repairs to artificial pavement, walls, and roadways, sixteen thousand dollars. Lrenrnve THE- Carrror. AND enomvns: For lighting the Capitol and Lig¤¤¤g· grounds about the same, including the Botanic Garden, Senate and House stables, and en ine house, Maltby Building, and folding and storage rooms of the House of Representatives; for gas and electric lighting; pay of superintendent of meters, lamplighters, gas Htters, and for materials and labor for gas and electric lighting, and for g·eneral repairs, thirty thousand dollars. For repairs and improvements to steam fire engine house and Senate S,§,,‘}§“° muse and and House stables, and for repairs to and (paving of iioors and court- ` yards of same, one thousand five hundred ollars. For necessary repairs and improvements of the steam heating and 5€¤¤¤¤:h€&¤i¤s.<>¤=· ventilating apparatus in the Senate wing of the Capitol, including the · Supreme (,·ourt. legislative bell service and elevators, under the supervision of the Architect of the Capitol, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. , i _ For the purpose of providing the document rooms of the Senate g§)*;;lVi¤g» d<>¤¤m¤¤¢ with fireproof shelving, under the direction of the Architect of the ` Capitol, twenty-five thousand dollars, to be immediately available. For repairs to the elevator in the Maltby Building, including new Maltby Building. steel guides, car platform, and cage and safety devices, and for labor and material, one thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. . For improving the ventilation of the Hall of Representatives and tH¤iw¤<>fReprese¤¤— the corridors adjacent thereto, including new iioor for the Hall and the a }`;§;,,,_,,.,,,g v€,,,,,8_ installation of new ventilating and heating apparatus, the ventilation fi¤¤» swof the House restaurant and kitchen, for materials, labor, appliances, and so forth, fifty-one thousand two hundred dollars, to be immediately available.B For refurnishing the Hall of the House of Representatives, the §;€Y¤miShi¤g Hau- Speaker’s rooms, and the office of Sergeant-at-Arms, and for furniture ` for the new committee rooms in the old library portion of the building, sixty-one thousand dollars, to be immediately available and to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House of Re resentatives. For refitting the file room of the Hguse of Representatives with metal fireproof cases, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. . The three foregoing appropriations shall be expended under the ·g;Qr*g§¤;¤;*<;¤;d}gur;g· · direction and supervision of a commission, consisting of three mem- P P ' bers-elect to the House of Representatives of the Fifty-seventh Congress, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Fifty-sixth Congress. The Clerk of the House of Representatives, on written notice from d Pgrchagi _ <>g oid any member of the House of Representatives of the Fifty-sixth Con- as Sm wm ‘ gress that he desires to purchase any one of the desks now used in the House, shall withhold such desk from public sale, and shall deliver the _ same to such member on his payment of an amount equal to the aver-