Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1178

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1126 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 852. 1901. Construction plant, navy-yard, Pensacola, Florida: Repairs to and improvement of construction plant at navy—yard, Pensacola, Florida, fifteen thousand dollars. Repairs to and improvement of construction plant at navy—yard, Mare Island, California, fifty thousand dollars. Construction plant, naval station, Puget Sound, Washington : Repairs to and improvement of construction lant at Puget Sound Naval Station, \Vashington, thirty thousand dollars. Construction plant, naval station, Algiers, Louisiana: Construction plant at naval station, Algiers, Louisiana, fifteen thousand dollars. Civilesmblishmenf- CIVIL EsTABLIsHMENT, BUREAU or CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR: Navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Ham shire: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundlied dollars; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; in all, three thousand four hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents. Navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; in all, three thousand four hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents. Navy—yard, New York, New York: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; three writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; in all, four thousand four hundred and fifty-one dollars and seventy-five cents. Navy-yard, League Island, Pennsylvania: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; in all, two thousand four hundred and seventeen dollars and twentv—five cents. Navy—yard, Washington, District of Columbia: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars. Navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; in all, three thousand four hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents. Navy-yard, Pensacola, Florida: One writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents. Naval station, Port Royal, South Carolina: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars. Navy-yard, Mare Island, California: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; in all, three thousand four hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents. Puget Sound Naval Station, lVashington: One clerk to naval constructor, one thousand four hundred dollars. In all, civil establishment, Bureau of Construction and Repair, twenty- five thousand eight hundred and twenty-four dollars and twenty-five cents; and no otilier fund appropriated by this Act shall be used in pay- ment for such service. .B*"€%w°*$*°¤m E¤· sTEA1I ENGINEERING. gl11€€I`lHg. M¤¢¤i¤€¤’» STEAM 1mcR1NERY: For completion, repairing, and preservation of machinery and boilers of naval vessels, including cost of new boilers; distilling, refrigerating, and auxiliary machinery; preservation of and small repairs to machinery and boilers in vessels in ordinary, receiving and training vessels, repair and care of machinery of yard tugs and _{;g;’{j{QbOd€H mpg launches, two million one hundred and twenty thousand dollars: Pm- ` ·2·e'rZe(Z, That no part of the said sum shall be applied to the engines, boilers, and machinery of wooden ships where the estimated cost of such repairs shall exceed ten per centum of the estimated cost of new engines and machinery of the same character and power, nor shall new boilers be constructed for wooden ships.