Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1159

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F IFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 851,852. 1901.. 1].07 two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars er annum without per diem, and fifteen. inspectors at two thousand dbllars per annum without per diem, and for salaries of post—office inspectors and clerks; and for per diem allowance of inspectors in the field while actually travelin on business for the Department, five hundred and fifty thousand doTlars: Provided, That the Postmaster-General may, in his discre- {,’~¤j@<>8· , _ tion, allow post-office inspectors per diem while temporarily located at me mm m mbpeci any place on duty away from home, or their designated domicile, for a period not exceeding twenty consecutive days at any one place, and may make rules and regulations governing the foregoing provisions relating to per diem: And provided farther, That, of the amount €t§°°““¤g °"*d€¤°°· herein appropriated, not to exceed two thousand dollars may be ex- ` pended, in the discretion of the Post1naster—General, for the purpose of securing information concerning violations of the postal laws, and for services and information looking toward the apprehension of criminals. For payment of rewards for the detection, arrest, and conviction of R‘~’“'¤’dS· post-ofiice burglars, robbers. and highway mail robbers, twenty-five thousand dollars. For miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. Mi¤¤€U¤¤€0¤¤- When any publication has been accorded second-class mail privi- gggnggclgfnggié leges, the same shall not be suspended or annulled until a hearing shall gnly siier heanngf have been ranted to the parties interested. Sec. 2. That the appropriations herein made for the officers, clerks, M*;Bg{;;g*§g;i§;‘jHp*;g; and persons employedp in the postal service shall not be available for imred employees. the compensation of any persons permanently incapacitated for performing such service. The establishment of a civil pension roll or an honorable service roll, or the exemption of any of the officers, clerks, and persons in the postal service from the existing laws respecting employment in such service, is hereby prohibited. _ _ Sec. 3. That if the revenues of the Post-Office Department shall be dg},{,’}’€Qj’g§§“§‘Q,“ ,,,§‘;f insufficient to meet the appropriations made by this Act, a sum equal ¤¤eS· to such deficiency of the revenues of said Department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply said deficiencies in the revenues for the Post- Oiiice Department for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two. Approved, March 3, 1901. CHAP. 852.-An Act Making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal March $1901- year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, and for other purposes. ;—`";`;` Be it enacted by the Senate and {Ease 0 f Representatives 0 f the Cbzited States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, p£3;’(§*xl;€f"i¢€&P¤¤<r and they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in' the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the naval service of the Government for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, and for other purposes. PAY or THE NAVY. Pay and allowances prescribed by law of officers on sea duty; officers Pay Of the N*“'*`· on shore and other duty; officers on waiting orders; officers on the retired list; clerks to commandants of yards and stations; clerks to paymasters at yards and stations; eneral storekeepers, receiving ships and other vessels; commutation o§quarters for officers on shore not occupying public quarters, including boatswains, gunners, carpenters, sailmakers, warrant machinists, pharmacists, and mates, who shall hereafter receive the same commutation for quarters as second lieuten-