Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1144

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1092 — FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 844. 1901. known as the English rabbit, Belgian hare, between the first da of February and the first day of November, under a penalty of two dollars for each squirrel or rabbit killed, exposed for sale, or had in his or her possession, either deador alive, and 1H default thereof to be imprisoned 1n_ the workhouse for a period not less than fifteen days nor more than _ three months.

§‘$;‘,l’,,‘}§°kS· “"iP°· “That no person shall kill, expose for sale, or have in his or her

possession, either dead or alive, any wild duck, wild goose, brant, snipe, or plover between the first day of April and the Erst day of September, under a penalty of five dollars for each wild duck, wild oose, brant, snipe, or plover killed, exposed for sale, or had in his or ger possession, either dead or alive, and in default thereof to be imprisoned in the workhouse for a period not less than thirty days nor more than six months. "That no person shall kill, expose for sale, or have in his or her possession, either dead or alive, any water rail or ortolan, reed bird or rice bird, marsh blackbird, or other game bird not previously menztioned, between the first day of February and the first day of September, under a penalty of two dollars for each water rail or ortolan, reed bird or rice bird, marsh blackbird, or other game bird not previously mentioned, killed, exposed for sale, or had in his or her possession, either dead or alive, and in default thereof to be imprisoned in the workhouse for a period not less than fifteen days nor more than six months. Gems bi*d¤d¤‘i¤€d- “Sec. 3. That for the pur oses of this Act the following only shall be considered game birds: 'lphe Anatidae, commonly known as swans, geese, brant, river and sea ducks; the Rallidae,_commonly known as rails, coots, mud hens, and gallinules; the Limicolae, commonly known as shore birds, plovers, surf birds, snipe, woodcock, sandpipers, tattlers, and curlews; the Gallinse, commonly known as wild turkeys, grouse, prairie chickens, pheasants, partridges, and quails, and the species of Icteridae, commonly known as marsh blackbirds and reed birds or rice birds. ` mggier birds P¤>· "That no person shall kill, catch, exipose for sale, or have in his or ` her possession, living or dead, any wil bird other than a game bird, English sparrow, crow, Cooper’s hawk, sharpshinned hawk, or great horned owl; nor rob the nest of any such wild bird of eggs or youn ; nor destroy such nest except in theclearing of land of trees or brusg, under a penalty of five dollars for every such bird killed, caught, exposed for sale, or had in his or her possession, either dead or ahve, and for each nest destroyed, and in default thereof to be imprisoned in ggggighon of scim the workhouse for a period not exceeding thirty days: Pro/vided, That zmé coiiempm. ithis section shall not apply to birds or eggs collected for scientific urposes under permits issued by the supermtendent of police of the District of Columbia Vin accordance with such instructions as the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution may prescribe, such permits to be in force for one year from date of issue and nontransferable. piggéalty f°’ mk "That no person shall trap,'net, or ensnare any» waterfowl or other wild bird (except the English sparrowg, or have in his or her possession any trap, snare, net, or illuminating evice for the pugpose of killing or capturing any such bird, under a penalty of five ollars for eac waterfowl or other wild bird (except the English sparrow) killed or captured, and in default thereof to be imprisoned in the workhouse 1>rm»zSq. not exceeding thirty days: Prolzgéded, That this Act shall not apply to "€X°°*m°“‘ birds or animals heretofore stuffed or to birds or animals hereafter killed in open season and subsequently stuffed." - §,fg§€°gg¤ °f“Sh· Sec. 2. That section eight of an Act for the protection of fish in the . , p. 416, . . . . . amended. District of‘Columb1a, for the maintenance of a ermanent spawning ground in the Potomac River in said District, ami) for other purposes, is hereby amended so as to read: