Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1121

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 832. 1901. 1069 article of treaty of February twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, five hundred dollars; For blacksmith and assistant, shops and tools, iron and steel, per ,V¤1·7.p.%2. fourth article of treaty of July twentieth, eighteen hundred and thirty- ' one, and fifth article of treaty of Februaryhtwenty-third, eighteen V0!-15.p-515. hundred and sixty-seven, five hundred and thirty dollars; in all, one thousand and thirty dollars: H·ocz'detZ, That the Secretary of the Paymwg i¤f¤U{<>r Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to lace upon the books permimen °mmmf of the Treasury to the credit of the Eastern Shawnees the sum of twenty thousand six hundred dollars, being in full for the permanent annuities, in money or otherwise, guaranteed to them by the treaties above described. SHOSHONES AND ARAPAHOES. Shoshones and Arapahoes. For fourth of fiveinstallments, to be expended as provided in article "°‘·3°·P·9*· three of the agreement with the Shoshones and Arapahoes in Wyoming, ratified by Act of June seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, ten thousand dollars. sHosnoNEs AND 1sANNooxs. m§c§g§h¤¤M¤d BM- SHosHoNEs: For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, miller, engi- Sh°“h°“"S· neer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per tenth article of treaty of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five thousand dollars; For pay of second blacksmith, and such iron and steel and other S“¥’P“‘*S· materials as may be required, as per eighth article of same treaty, one "°l·“’»P-6’6· thousand dollars; BANNooKs: For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, miller, engi- B“"“°"kS· neer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per tenth article of treaty of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five thousand dollars; in all, ·eleven thousand dollars. six NATIONS or NEW Yoax. Six N=m°¤S0f New York. For permanent annuity, in clothing and other useful articles, per ¢,g{¤;*itF;,6 sixth article of treaty of November eleventh, seventeen hundred and’p` ` ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars. SIOUX or DIFFERENT *rR1BEs, INCLUDING SANTEE sIoUx or NEBRASKA. trggggx Of differsst For pay of five teachers, one physician. one carpenter, one miller, T°‘*°h€”#"‘°· one engineer, two farmers, and one blacksmith, per thirteenth article of same treaty, ten thousand four hundred dollars; For pay of second blacksmith, and furnishing iron, steel, and other material, per eighth article of same treaty, one thousand six hundred dollars; For pay of additional employees at the several agencies for the Emp1°Y°“· Sioux in Nebraska and in North Dakota and South Dakota, eighty- Eve thousand dollars; r . For subsistence of the Sioux, and for urposes of their civilization, S“bSiS*€¤°€· as per agreement ratified by Act of (gongress approved February V°r19·P·25‘*· twenty-eighth, .eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, nine hundred thousand dollars: H·0·véded, Thatthis sum shall include transportation §,C§§§’gf,;m,iOm_ of supplies from the termination of railroad or steamboat transportation; and in this service Indians shall be employed when practicable: And ovéded further, That the number of rations issued shall not Li’““°“““°“S=°‘°· exceediithe number of Indians on each reservation, and any excess in the number of rations issued shall be disallowed in the settlement of the agent’s account; For support and maintenance of day and industrial schools, includ- S°h°°“‘· ing purchase, erection, and repairs of school buildings, in accordance V°r15·P·637·