Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1085

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FIFTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill Ch. 831. 1901. 1033 of such repair shall exceed ten per centum of the estimated cost of new engines and machinery of the same character and power, nor shall new boilers be constructed for wooden ships. MARINE conrs. That the Auditor for the Navy Department be, and is hereby, M“"1“° C°’P’· authorized and directed to credit vouc er numbered three hundred and seventy-eight, third quarter eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, in favor of Pacific Coast Steamship Company, amounting to sixdollars and fifty cents, for transportation of one man from Bremerton, Wash- ington, to Mare Island, California. o reimburse Ordnance Department, United States Army, for one hundred thousand rifle ball cartridges, caliber thirty one-hundredths, delivered to quartermaster First Regiment United States Marines at Tientsin, China, August thirteenth, nineteen hundred, two thousand five hundred and fifty-six dollars. _ _For purchase of military equipments, such as rifles, revolvers, cartridge boxes, bayonet scabbards, haversacks, blanket bags, knapsacks, canteens, musket slings, swords drums, trumpets, flags, waist belts, waist plates, cartridge belts, saslies for officer of the day, zpare parts for repairing muskets, and purchase and repair of tents and eld ovens, purchase an repair of instruments of band, purchase of music and musical accessories, purchase and marking of medals for excellence in gunnery and rifle practice, good-conduct badges, for incidental expenses of the school of application, purchase of signal equipment and stores, for the establishment and maintenance of targets and ranges, and renting ranges, and for procuring, preserving, and handlin ammunition and other necessary military supplies, twenty thousanf dollars. ‘ To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Military stores, Marine Corps," fiscal year nineteen hundred,‘one thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars and twenty-one cents. For transportation of troops, includin ferriage, and the expense of the recruiting service, twenty thousand dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Transportation and recruiting, Marine Cor s," for the fiscal year nineteen undred, two thousand six hundred and) thirteen dollars and forty-four cents. - For freight, tolls, cartage, advertising; washing of bedsacks, mattress covers, pillowcases, towels, and sheets; for funeral expenses of marines; stationery and other paper, telegraphing, rent of te ephones, purchase and repair of typewriters, apprehension of stragglers and deserters, per diem of enlisted men employed on constant abor for a period of not less than ten days, repair of gas and water fixtures, office and barracks furniture, camp and garrison equipage and implements; _ mess utensils for enlisted men, such as bowls, plates, spoons, knives and forks, ain cups, pans, pots, and so forth; pac ing boxes, wrapping paper, oilcloth, crash, rope, twine, camphor, and `carbolized paper, carpenters’ tools, tools for police (purposes, iron safes, purchase and repair of public wagons, purc ase an repair of public harness, purchase of public orses, services of veterinary sur cons and medicines forpublic horses, purchase and repair of hose, purghase and repair of fire extinguishers, purchase of ire hand grena es, purchase and repair of carts, wheelbarrows, and lawn mowers; purchase and repair of cooking stoves, ranges, stoves, and furnaces where there are no grates; purchase of ice, towels, soap, combs_, and brushes forioflices; postage stamps for foreign postage; purchase of books, newspapers, and periodicals; improving parade grounds; repair of pumps and wharves, laying drain, water, and gas pipes; water, introducing gas, and for gas, gas