Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1081

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. cu. 831. 1901. , 1029 For contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, one hundred and thirty-three ollars and seventy cents; For contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, nineteen hundred, five hundred and fifty-five dollars and seventy-two cents; FOI' contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight and eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, sixty-one dollars and ninety-two cents; _ _ For rovisions, Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, eighteen ,m*f,“,{$,’g§ju§,‘,S$“pp*‘°S hundred and ninet -eight, twenty dollars and seventy-five cents; For contingent, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight and eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, eight dollars and seventy cents; · - For steam machinery, Bureau of Steam En ineerin , eighteen hun- Eg’§{f&‘;m§‘ Seem dred and ninety-eight and prior years, ten dollars and thirteen cents;M in all, two hundred and thirteen thousand eight hundred and two dollars and sixty-three cents. EMERGENCY FUND, NAVY DEPARTMENT. N£§%°,’§§,‘{,‘g$§m€,f}{“°· To meet unforeseen contingencies for the maintenance of the Navy constantly arising, to be expended at the discretion of the President, one hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred and fifty-six dollars. PAY, MISCELLANEOUS. Pay. For commissions and interest; transportation of funds; exchange; mileage to officers while traveling under orders in the United States, and transportation of baggage al owed by regulations, and for actual personal expenses of officers while traveling abroad under orders, and or traveling expenses of civilian employees, and for actual and necessary traveling expenses of naval cadets while proceeding from their homes to the Naval Academy for examination and appointment as cadets; for rent and furniture of buildings and offices not in navy- yards; expenses of courts-martial, p1‘lSOD€1`S and prisons, and courts of inquiry, boards of inspection, examining boards, with clerks’ and witnesses’ fees and traveling expenses and costs; stationery and recording expenses of purchasing-paymasters’ offices of the various cities, including clerks, furniture, fuel,. stationery, and incidental expenses; newspapers and advertising; foreign posta e; telegraphing, foreign and domestic; telephones; copying; care of Fibrary, inc uding ‘ the purchase of books, photographs, prints, manuscripts, and periodicals; ferriage, tolls, and express fees; costs of suits; commissions, warrants, diplomas, and discharges; relief of vessels in distress; canal tolls and pilotage; recovery of valuables from shipwrecks; quarantine expenses; reports; professional investigation; cost of special instruction, at home or abroad, in maintenance of students and attachés, and information from abroad, and the collection and classification thereof, _ and other necessary and incidental expenses: Provided, That in lieu of §§§’§§,§é in 1,,,, of traveling expenses and all allowances whatsoever connected therewith, travel °XP°¤¤€S· etcincluding transportation of ba gage, officers of the Navy traveling from point to point within the %lnited States under orders shall hereafter receive mileagle at the rate of eight cents per mile, distanceto be computed by the s ortest usually traveled route; but in cases where orders are given for travel to be performed repeatedly between two · or more places in the same vicinity the Secretary of the Navy may, in his discretion, direct that actual and necessary expenses only be allowed. Actual expenses only shall be paid for travel under orders ;,‘,‘§,§‘,0 §§‘;,‘§}d_ Ex' _outside the limits of the United States in North America, one hundred and twenty-ve thousand dollars,