Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1070

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lOl8 FIFTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 831. 1901. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Contingent expenses, assay office at Boise,” for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, five dol- , lars and twenty-one cents. . ~ To pay amounts found due by the accounting_officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation ‘“ Contingent expenses, assay office at Charlotte," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, fifty-nine cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for "Contingent expenses, assay oflice at New York," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, three hundred and thirty-four dollars and eighty-four cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers,of the Treasury on account of the appropriation _" Salaries and ex enses, assay office at Seattle," for the fiscal year eighteen hundred andgninety-nine, forty dollars and nine cents. Coast and Geodetic COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. V Survey. For unusual and unexpected repairs to steamer Gedney, including a new boiler, twenty-five thousand dollars. Government in Ter- GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES. ritories. n..w..n. For the payment of the salaries of the chief justice and two associate justices of the supreme court of the Territory of Hawaii, from June fifteen to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, inclusive, six hundred and eighty-one dollars and thirty~two cents. Aims. For the payment of the salaries of the judges and clerks in the district of Alaska, fiscal year nineteen hundred, eight hundred and ninety- ei%ht dollars and thirty-five cents. or payment of the salary of the Governor of Alaska for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, being the difference insalary under the act of June sixth, nineteen hundred, from date of reappointment, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, inclusive, ninety-two dollars and forty- two cents. For legislative expenses, Territory of Oklahoma: To pay the accounts set forth on page four, House Document Numbered Two hundred and fifty-six, of this session, for the service of the fiscal year nineteen hundred, four hundred and thirty dollars and seventy cents. okiahoma. ’I`o pay actual and necessary traveling expenses of C. M. Barnes, governor of Oklahoma Territory, in coming to Washington, District of Columbia, from Guthrie, Oklahoma, and return, in January, nineteen hundred, under telegraphic instructions from the Secretary of the Interior of January fourth, nineteen hundred, one hundred and thirty- seven dollars. Fish commission. FISH COMMISSION. N€<>S¤¤Sw¤<>¤· Neosho (Missouri) station: For the purchase of additional land and water rights and construction of addition_al ponds, and for rebuilding of hatchery, and other improvements, seven thousand five hundred dollars. W<><>1s Hole- WVoods Hole (Massachusetts) station: For the completion of improvements, two thousand dollars. mslgggthsonian Insti- UNDER SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. North American For payment of outstanding accounts for transportation incurred E°h“°l°gy‘ during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven under the appropriation °‘ North American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution," forty-seven dollars and sixty-one cents.