Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1064

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1012 FIFTY-sixT1—1 ooNGREss. sEss.·11. cH. sm. 1901. m’glg<g§¤¤rv Dem- TREASURY DEPARTMENT. bu§,$£*;g§· Treasury For special repairs to the Treasury building, namely: For new plignbmg, to1let rooms, and expenses inc1dent thereto, five thousand x O HYS. . O,;}gg§;g;ar§$,{en§f>Sr· OFFICE or THE Aunrroa ron THE Pos·r-()rr1oE DEPARTMENT: For fifteen temporar clerks during the remainder of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and! one, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each, three thousand six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _ G¤¤¤¤s¤¤r¤x1><mses- CONTINGENT EXPENSES: For stationery for the Treasury Department and its several bureaus, five thousand dollars. For postage required to prepay matter addressed to Postal Union gountries, and for postage for the Treasury Department, five hundred ollars. ' To pay the account of the Smithsonian Institution for the transmission of mail matter for the Treasury Department for the fiscal years as follows:_ For the Hscal year nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and forty- four dollars and five cents. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred, four hundred and fifty-three dollars and fifty cents. . To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Contingent expenses, Treasury Department: Freight, telegrams, etc.," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand three hundred and thirty-eight dollars and thirty-four cents. For freight, expressa e, telegra h and telephone service, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred, one thousand four hundred and twenty- eight dollars and ninety cents. For newspapers, law books, city-directories, and other books of reference relating to the business of the Department, three hundred dollars.. Rm- For rent of building near corner of Fourteenth and B streets northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, for files, for the four months ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, six hundred dollars. For rent of number thirteen hundred and twenty-three G street northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, for Li ht-House Board, for the four months endin June thirtieth, nineteen iundred and one, one hundred and sixty-eigit dollars. . mFi1§m1¤¤1¤¢r¤· shew- For purchase of file holders and file cases, two thousand five hung'dred dollars. For shelving for rented building near corner of Fourteenth and B streets northwest, Vilashington, District of Columbia, three thousand dollars. For transferring files and records to rented building near corner of Fourteenth and B streets northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, one thousand dollars. _ B<¤¤¤· sw- For purchase of boxes, book rests, chairs, chair caning, chair covers, desks, bookcases, clocks, cloth for covering desks, cushions, leather for covering chairs and sofas, locks, lumber, screens, tables, typewriters, ventilators, wardrobe cabinets, washstands, water coolers and stands, two thousand dollars. Mi¤¤¢¤¤¤¢<>¤¤- For washing and hemming towels, for the urchase of awnings and fixtures, window shades and iixtures, alcohol, gienzine, turpentine, varnish, baskets, belting, bellows, bowls, brooms, buckets, brushes, canvas, crash, cloth, chamois skins, cotton waste, door and window fasteners, dusters, flower garden, street and engine hose, lace leather, lye, nails, oils, plants, picks, pitchers, powders, stencil plates, hand stamps, and repairs of same, stamp ink, spittoons, soap, matches, match safes,