Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1045

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FIFTY-SDKTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 830. 1901. 993 HYD1zoeRAPH1c Ormomz For two clerks of class two; one clerk of ,,c§Y°'°g’“*’h‘° °" class one; one assistant messen er; me watchman; in all, five thousand four hundred and forty dogars. For hydrographic engineer, draftsmen, engravers, assistants, nau- S°"i°°S- tical experts, computers, lithographers, custodian of archives, compiler, copyists, copperplate printers, a prentices, helpers, chart mounter, feed pressman, and laborers in *51e Hydrograp ic OfHce, ninety-five thousand four hundred and eighteen dollars; and no other fund approriated shall be used in ayment for such or similar services in the idydrographic Office, at V$ashington, District of Columbia. For purchase of copperplates, steel plates, chart paper, packing M¤*¢fi¤*¤· boxes, chart portfolios, electrotyping copperplates; cleaning copperplates; tools, instruments, power, and materials for drawing, engraving, and printing; materials for and mounting charts; re uction of charts by photography; photolithogra hing charts for immediate use; transfer of photolithographic and otiier charts to copper; care and repairs to printing presses, furniture, instruments, and tools; extra drawing and engraving; translating from forei n lan uages; telegrams on public business; the preparation of the Pilot Chart and supplements, and the rinting and mailing of the same; and purchase of data for charts ami) sailing directions and other nautical publications; works and periodicals relating to hydrography, marine meteorology, navigation, surveying, oceanography, and terrestrial magnetism, seven thousand dollars. For rent of building and rooms, repairs and heating of the same, and Rmfor gas, water, and telephone rates, two thousand one hundred dollars. Contingent expenses of branch offices at Boston, New York, Phila- C<>¤¢i¤8<>¤¤¢===P¢¤¤¢¤· delphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, New Orleans, San Francisco, Portland (Oregon), Portland (Maine), Chicago, Cleveland, Port Townsend, Buffalo, Duluth, Sault Sainte Marie, and Galveston, including furniture, fuel, lights, rent and care of offices, car fare and ferriage in visiting merchant vessels, freight and express charges, telegrams, and other necessary expenses incurred in collecting the latest information for the Pilot Chart, and for other purposes for which the offices were established, and for the establishment of a branch office, thirty thousand dollars. For a monthly Pilot Chart of the North Pacific Ocean, showing-e,,§{§gé*gg;%°*Ch“”· graphically the matters of value and interest to the maritime com- ` munity of the Pacific coast, and particularly the directions and forces of the winds to be expected during the month succeeding the date of issue; the set and strength of the currents; the feeding grounds of whales and seals; the regions of storm, fog, and ice; the positions of derelicts and floating obstructions to navigation, and the best routes to be followed by steam and by sail, including the expenses of communicating and circulating information; lithographing and engraving; the purchase of materials for, and printing and mailing the chart, two thousand dollars. No expenditure shall be incurred or authorized for personal services tufggéli °“ °xP"¤‘“‘ or otherwise under the Hydrographic Office, at NVashington, District of Columbia, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two except as herein authorized by appropriations under the Navy Department or under appropriations that may be made for printing and binding. NAVAL OBsERvA·roRY: For pay of three assistant astronomers, one N¤V¤l 0b¤€¤’¤¥<>fY~ A at two thousand dollars, and two at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class one; instrument maker, one thousand five hundred dollars; electrician, one thousand five hundred dollars; photoglrapher, one thousand two hundred dollars; five computers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; librarian, one thousand two hundred dollars; foreman and captain of the watch, one thousand dollars; carpenter, and engineer, at one thousand dollars each; assistant on equatorial, one thousand dollars; assistant in specvon xxx1——-63