Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1003

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 809. 1901. 951 misdemeanor, for which such person shall be un1shed on information in the district court of the UHlt:Bd States; and) it shall be the duty of ·P’°°°°*“¤g¤¤8¤*¤¤*~ the United States district attorney, on the certiHcation of the facts to him by the general court-martial, to file an information against and prosecute the person so offending, and the plunishment of such erson, on conviction, shall be a Hne of not more t an five hundred doilars or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That this shall not apply to persons residing _€P;g*g?*gBnS beyond the State, Territory, or District in which such eneral court- , P ' martial is held, and that the fees of such witness, and his mileage at ggéggggs fm to M the rates provided for witnesses in the United States district court for ` said State, Territory or District shall be duly paid or tendered said witness, such amounts to be paid by the Pay Department of the Arm out of the appropriation for compensation of witnesses: Provided; P’<wi¤°· That no witness shall be compelled to incriminate himself or to answer self-inerimmanou any questions which may tend to incriminate or de rade him. “°”°°mp°u€d‘ Sec. 2. That article ninety-four, section thirteen Iiundredand forty- H<>¤¤¤ of sitting. · {Iwo, of the Reviised Statutes of the United States be, and the same is rsiié§ié.°i°i°'1342’p‘23°‘ ereb re ea e . SEoiT’3. That section one hundred and eighty-three of the Revised ,d·},§,¥},}g,,,f;“*0§’,§S‘—“Y Statutes of the United States be, and the same is hereby amended so R- S-. ¤¤¢·183.i>-29. as to read as follows: ’ am°°d°d' _ “Sec. 183. Any officer or clerk of any of the departments lawfully detailed to investigate frauds on, or attempts to defraud, the Government, or any irregularity or misconduct of any officer or agent of the United States, and any officer of the Army detailed to conduct an investigation, and the recorder, and, if there be none, the residing officer of any military board appointed for such purpose, shall have authority to administer an oath to any witness attending to testify or de ose in the course of such investigation? Sec. 4. That article eighty-three, section thirteen hundred and forty- two, of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, andthe same is hereby, amended to read as follows:_` _ D "ARTICLE 83. Regimental and garrison courts-martial and summary c0{,§,g,$r§_,‘;,§i°** °* ’ courts detailed under existing laws to try enlisted men shall- not have R-S-.S<>¤-13»4é.p.Z%8. power to try capital cases or commissioned officers, but shall have amended power to award punishment not to exceed conHnement at hard labor for three months or forfeiture of three months’ y, or both, and in addition thereto, in the case of noncommissionedpgflicers reduction to the ranks and in the case of first-class privates reduction to second- _ class privates: Provided, That it summary court shall not adjudge con- §.’;,€Q’{·*$,y Summary Hnement and forfeiture in excess of a period of one month, unless, the cgélrt with consent. accused shall before trial consent in writing to trial by said court, but ° ` in any case of refusal to so consent, the tria may be had either by general, regimental, or garrison court-martial, or by said summary court, but in case of trial by said summary court without consent as aforesaid, the court shall hnpt adjudge confinement or forfeiture of pay for more than one mont . ’ Sec. 5. That article sixt ‘, section, thirteen hundred and forty-two, f,,$§§§lt§gQQ§“’*f,§§. of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and the same is hereby, Ugygd getgtfgh m amended by inserting after the words " shall, on conviction thereof," ·` ’p` be punished by Hne or imprisonment, orby such other punishment as a coifrt-niartial may adjudge," the words "or by any or all of said pena ties. Approved, March 2, 1901.