Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/989

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 325. 1899. 95l dred dollars may be used for the rent and alteration of a building for office and laboratory purposes. ENToMOLoGIcAL INVESTIGATIONS, DIVISION or ENTOmoLoGY : mmm or mum- Promotion of economic entomology; investigating the history and hab- "‘°'°¤· its of insects injurious and beneficial to agriculture, horticulture, and arboriculture; ascertaining the best means of destroying those found to be injurious; chemicals, insecticide apparatus, and other materials, supplies, and instruments required in conducting such experiments and investigations; freight and express charges and necessary traveling expenses; compensation of additional temporary assistants, investigators, and agents, and preparing, illustrating, and publishing the results of the work of the division, twenty thousand dollars: Provided, Prqviw- That two thousand dollars of this sum may be expended for the pur- g,"§},‘§f“1°"'° ’"°“H' pose of experimental investigations in apiculture. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS, DIVISION on VEGE— mvasmi or vegan. TABLE Pmrsronoor AND PATIIoI.ooY: Investigating the nature of }’},f,,,§},‘g;f°‘°¤Y ‘“'“ diseases .injurious to fruits, fruit trees, grain, cotton, vegetables, and other useful plants; experiments in the treatment of the same; chemicals, ga , and apparatu required in the field and laboratory; necessary traveling expenses; the preparation of reports and illustrations; the rent of a building, not to exceed six hundred and sixty dollars per annum; and for other expenses connected with the practical work of the investigation, twenty-six thousand dollars. BIOLOGICAL SURVEY, DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY: For bio- _ naman or mom;. logical investigations, including the geographic distribution and migra— ****1 S“"°*'· tions of animals, birds, and plants, and for the promotion of economic ornithology and mammalogy; an investigation of the food habits of North American birds and mammals in relation to agriculture, horticul- . ture, and forestry; for preparation and publication of reports thereon, and for illustrations, field work, and traveling and other expenses in the practical work of the division, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIG-ATIoNS, DIVI ION OF POMOLOGY:. Investi-I mvmim or rqmi. gating, collecting, and disseminating information relating to the fruit °€>’· industry; the collection and distribution of seeds, shrubs, trees, and specimens; and for collecting, classifying, and naming cereals, collecting and modeling fruits, vegetables, and other plants, and for labor and material for preparing same for museum; traveling and other nece sary expenses, nine thousand five hundred dollars. LABORATORY, DEPARTMENT OF AGRIOULTURE, DIVISION OF mvmim ot cum- C11EMIsT1zY: Chemical apparatus, chemicals, laboratory, lixtures, and ‘““y· supplies, repairs to engine and apparatus; gas and electric current, purchase of samples and necessary expenses in conducting special investigations, including necessary traveling and other expenses, labor, and expert work in such investigations, four thousand dollars; for the equipment of the new laboratory, two thousand five hundred dollars, to be immediately available; for rent of laboratory building, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, seven thousand seven hundred dollars. To investigate the adulteration of foods, drugs, and liquors, when rm., ai--ig¤,_¤m1 deemed by the Secretary of Agriculture advisable; and the Secretary "‘1“°’°·°"““°“***°°•· of Agriculture, whenever he has reason to believe that articles are being imported from foreign countries which are dangerous to the health of the people of the United States, shall make a request upon the Secretary of the Treasury for samples from original packages of such articles for inspection and analysis, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby -openi¤g packages or authorized to open such original packages and deliver specimens to the *"“P°°"‘* ““P""°~ Secretary of Agriculture for the purpose mGl1bi0Ded, giving notice to Notlcstoowncr. the owner or consignee of such articles who may be present and have the right to introduce testimony; and the Secretary of the Treasury -u¤1sv9i-y mmwi or shall refuse delivery to the consignec of any goods which the Secretary '-‘°‘°°°“°“" g°°““· °*°· of Agriculture reports to him have been inspected and analyzed and found to be dangerous to health; employing such assistants, clerks, and other persons as the Secretary of Agricultme may consider necessary