Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/928

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890 FIFTY-FIFTH CON GRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 187, 189-191. 1899. seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be extended for the —¤p¤t¤¤*>J·*·t**<>F**’il term of one year, without compliance with the conditions prescribed ""'°° °“"“"°°°°‘ by the Act entitled “An Act to regulate and improve the civil service,” approved January sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, provided they are otherwise competent. . Apvr¤pri¤*·is~¤¤ Mt Sec. 4. That the appropriations herein made for the officers, clerks, ifsm“2;;i;v$?P”' and persons employed in the public service shall not be available for [ the compensation of any persons permanently incapacitated for performing such service. The establishment of a civil pension roll or an honorable service roll, or the exemption of any of the officers, clerks, and persons in the public ervice from the existing laws respecting pronto. employment in such service, is hereby prohibited: Provided, That the ¤,;§Qf{g‘{$,Y‘{QQ°§,}’,§§}}€ thirty days’ annual leave of absence with pay in any one year to clerks ¤ive¤tS¤¤<1¤y¤.¤r¤· and employees in the several Executive Departments authorized by existing law shall be exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays. nepeai. Sec. 5. That all laws or parts of laws inconsistent with this Act are repealed. Approved, February 24, 1899. February 25,1sm. CHAP. 189.-An Act For the relief of certain homestead settlers in Florida. Be ii enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United rjienqe. States of America in Congress assembled, That any qualified homestead ,.§‘]§§§‘,T“m.§‘,§’"{,‘Z,‘}§Z*2,‘{ claimant who was in good faith actually occupying a homestead claim tmc. em under the laws of the United States in the State of Florida in the month of September, anno Domini eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and who was by, through, or on account of a storm which passed through said State during said month driven from or compelled to leave and toremain away from such homestead, may within one year from the passage of this Act return to such homestead claim and proceed to perfect title thereto as though absence therefrom had not occurred. Approved, February 25, 1899. February 25.1F99. CHAP. 190.-—-An Act Authorizing the President to appoint additional cadets at Y··""_ " large at the United States Naval Academy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Nara; A·-mem;. States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he _uf},§’,§§'“L'}‘,'§{‘§§‘§ "},l{, is hereby, authorized and empowered to appoint during the present large ¤¤¤h<·ri=¤<i- iiseal year five cadets at large at the United States Naval Academy, to be in addition to the number heretofore authorized by law, said appointments to be subject to the conditions and requirements of existing laws and regulations. Approved, February 25, 1899. I-‘¢·hrnory 1800. CHAP. 191.-An Act To permit volunteer regiments to retain their colors. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ntrmmu A ___M_ States ojllmerice in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, by ‘§.,,,,,,,,,,,.‘,,.g,. and he is hereby, authorized to permit volunteer regiments, on being ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤#¤¤r¤l¤·>f*Z*<l· mustered out of the service of the United States, to retain all of their regimenttal colors. Said colors shall be turned over to the State authorities to which said regiments belong, and the regimental quartermaster in making his returns may, in lieu of said colors and in full release therefor, ule with the proper official of the War Department a receipt from the quartermaster-general of said State that said colors have been delivered to said State authorities. Approved, February 25, 1899.