Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/804

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7 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II1. Ch. 30. 1898. twelve hoops, sufficiently nailed with four nails in each chime hoop, and of the following dimensions, namely: The stave of all barrels to be in length not less than twenty-seven inches; the diameter at the head to be seventeen inches; and the staves of all half barrels to be twenty inches in length, and the diameter of the head thirteen inches. Flour barrels weighing not less than sixteen pounds tared or marked on the branded head shall be deemed merchantable. run pewkins M Sino. 4. That every barrel and half barrel or sack of flour manufac- ““‘“'g' tured within the District of Columbia or brought to the same for sale shall, by the manufacturer, be made merchantable and of due Gneness, -pem1ty. without false packing or mixing; and if there is any false packing or mixture, the manufacturers or persons offering the same for sale or inspection shall forfeit and pay to the District of Columbia a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars for each and every such barrel and half barrel or sack, to be recovered as other fines and penalties are recovered. (guantity it imma Sec. 5. That every miller or bolter of flour shall put into barrels the "“‘ hm b“"°1“‘ quantity of one hundred and ninety-six pounds, and into half barrels Sbvrf weight- the quantity of ninety eight pounds; and if any miller or bolter of flour shall pack any barrel or half barrel with a less quantity of flour than ——pens1ty. . by this Act is required, he shall forfeit, if the deficiency be one pound, · a sum 11ot exceeding ten cents, and for every pound above one deficient, -escertainment or. twenty-tive cents; and said inspectors are hereby required, whenever they, or either of them. have reason to suspect that any barrel or half barrel containing flour is falsely tared, to cause the flour to be started and the barrel or half barrel weighed; and whenever it shall appear that the barrel and half barrel weigh more than they are marked by the miller or owner, the said miller or owner shall forfeit and pay to the said District for each such offense at the rate of ten cents for every pound after the first that the barrel or half barrel may weigh short, and shall moreover pay twenty-five cents for each and every barrel or half barrel, unless on examination the tare should prove correct, then in that case the cost and charges shall be paid by the inspector. _ I¤srg¤<i¤¤ by Mr- Sec. 6, That each and every barrel and half barrel or sack of flour ‘"‘“" manufactured in the District or brought to the same for sale, or to be manunictured into bread, shall be subiect to the examination of the inspector by borings and searchings with an instrument not exceeding five-eights of an inch in diameter for barrels and one-fourth of an inch fbr jute or cotton sacks, to be provided by the inspector for that purpose, or by opening the sacks, or by opening sacked fiour to such an extent as the inspector may deem necessary, who shall afterwards plug up the hole in the barrel or half barrel with a round plug, made of soft rams1in;. wood. so as to prevent the entrance of water; and ifthe inspector shall -,.,.·r.»z.;...c.nie moor. judge the same to be merchantuble according to the directions of this » .\ct, he shall, at the time of the inspection, mark, brand, or stencil on the side of every barrel or half barrel, in letters one—half' inch in length, the name ** \Vashington.” together with a word or words designating the degree of fineness which he shall. at the time of inspection, determine said flour entitled to, with the exception of the degree of superfiue, _;-;..i.—». which he shall mark or brand over thequarter; and the several degrees in tlllillliy shall be distinguished as follows: Family, extra, superfine -~.·t.»··i~.,iri-·i¤ ·»¤‘ *¤·· fine, and first middhngs. And for the inspection of each barrel or half “*’ ‘`‘‘“ "" barrel of flour the said inspector shall have and receive of the owner or agents of said flour, for each and every barrel and half barrel, one cent and one drawing of flour, and for all sacks at the rate of one cent for one hundred and ninety-six pounds without drawings, except for sam- -i.r.:=..:' unmet- pling purposes; and every barrel or half barrel or sack of flour which "‘*·"*'·""*` *"’"’ shall prove on examination thereof to be unmerchantable accordinu to the true intent and meaning of this Act, said inspector shall mark oncthe -pm.1¤y. head with a broad arrow; and no barrel or half barrel of flour not examined and branded by the iuspector,as aforesaid, shall be sold within the District under fine of one dollar for each and every barrel, to be collected as other fines and penalties are collected.