Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/777

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738 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Rus. 21-24. 1898. fort or fortiiication may be constructed upon the written consent of the F··B-·¤¤<‘~¤¤*·P·°°- owner of the land upon which such work is to be placed;_ and the V•¤<¤•v•¢¤¤·· ·¤¤•· requirements of section three hundred and fifty-five of the Revised Statutes shall not be applicable in such cases. Approved, April 11, 1898. - Aug u, 1g9g_ MP}?. 22.] Joint Resolution Relative to the appropriation for the Ronge River, y-——-—·—··*_" 0 18811. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States _ mugs River. Mi¤1¤· of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and _ """ he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the Rouge River, Michi- _ gan, to be dredged between the Wabash Bridge to Maples Road, with the view of obtaining a thirteen-foot channel (in accordance with the letter of G. J. Lydecker, Lieutenant Colonel, Corps of Engineers, dated November twentieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven), at an expense _ :_}>vr¤1>¤·1•¤¤¤ f¤¤‘ not to exceed ilve thousand dollars, to be paid out of the appropriation "` "*"‘j already available for the improvement of that stream. Approved, April 11, 1898. ‘ 188. 0.23. , Joint Resolution Maki an a ropr1a' tion for the lm rovemeut of the ——é£'ll—1-'—··· River and the reclamatiorliqvf its lflgts. P. . ·Resolved by the Senate and House ;£nRepresentatives of the United States A¤¤¤g_•;·0°};;;· o_fAmer·ica in Congress assembled t the Secretary of War be, and he ' is hereby, directed to prepare and submit to Congress forthwith a project for the improvement of the Anacostia River and the reclamation of its ilats from the line of the District of Columbia to the mouth of said river, with an estimate of the cost of the same, and a report on the area and ownership of the land to be reclaimed, and if any portion of said land is vested in private persons an estimate of the cost of acquiring the same; égppécpngstggn nig; and the sum of two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be nec- ,‘§,,,,,§_°,,,,f' P essary, is hereby appropriated to pay the cost of surveys and other expenses in the premises. Approved, April 11, 1898. April 20.1ws. [No. 24.] Joint Resolution For the recognition of the independence of the people -····—···•····‘ ot Cuba, demandinlg that the Government of Spain relincéuish its authority and government in the sland of Cuba, and to withdraw its lan and_ naval forces from nba and Cuban waters, and directing the President of the United States to use the land and naval forces of the United States to carry these resolutions into effect. Preamble. Whereas the abhorrent conditions which have existed for more than three years in the Island of Cuba, so near our own borders, have shocked the moral sense of the people of the United States, have been a disgrace to Christian civilization, culminating, as they have, in the destruction of a United States battle ship, with two hundred and sixty-six of its officers and crew, while on a friendly visit in the harbor of Havana, and can not longer be endured, as has been set forth by the President - of the United States in his message to Congress of April eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, upon which the action of Congress was invited: Thereiore, Resolved by the Senate and House o_/'Representatives of the U nited States C{{;>_•}¤1>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ··¤` of America in Congress assembled, First. That the people of the Island of Cuba are, and of right ought to be, free and independent. mD:€¤;:::;g¤gt§rf; Second. That it is the duty of the United States to demand, and the ,;..,,4,,,.,;.,, Government ot the United States does hereby demand, that the Gov-