Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/774

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ras. 9-12. 1898. 7 35 I-Elo. 9.] Joint Resolution Providing for a survey and report upon the practica- Febr¤ary1'l.1898. b' 'ty of seeming a navigable channel of adequate width and of thirty-five feet "*_;" depth at mean low water of the Gulf of Mexico throughout Southwest Pass of the , Mississippi River. Resolved ln; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Gongress assembled, That the sum of ten thousand dollars, §f;;f§°*Pg’} *§g;;‘h_ or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and is hereby, authorized was rah. to be expended out of the unexpeuded balance of the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars appropriated by an Act entitled “An Act to provide for closing the crevasse in Pass a Loutre, one of the outlets of the Mississippi River, approved February twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred V°1·2°·P·*°7· and ninety-seven," for the purpose of making a survey and report upon the practicability of securing a navigable channel of adequate width and of thirty-five feet depth at mean low water of the Gulf of Mexico throughout Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River; said survey to be 0,*;*;**%* '§g}s°,§Yg>°g*d made, under the direction of the Secretary of War, bya board composed gm` ` of three engineer officers of the United States Army, appointed by him. Approved, February 17, 1898. [No. 10.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to deliver F¤b1'¤¤·F¥ 19-196- to the_mayor of the city of Milwaukee, for use in ornamenting one of the parks of ___";` that city, the Parrott ruled cannon and carriage recently used on the revenue cutter Andrew Johnson. Resolved by the Senate and House of Rqwesentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury }£},!;:°‘*°g,;Q;h D be, and he is hereby, authorized in his discretion to deliver to the mayor ¤»,r¤m;Z·m¤e¤¤¤e°Z» of the city of Milwaukee, for use in ornameuting one of the parks of *"‘1'°"J°*"’“°"· said city, the Parrott riilcd cannon and carriage recently used on the revenue cutter Andrew Johnson, but since discarded, and now stored in the yard of the Milwaukee Dry Dock Company. Approved, February 19, 1898. [No. 11.] Joint Resolution To provide for recovering the remains of omcers and F°b¤’¤¤’Y $1898- men and property from the wrecked United States ship Maine, and making an appro- "i ‘ `" ’ priation therefor. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy be, gé§6;g;r‘pés;¤g-" and he is hereby, authorized to engage the services of a wrecking com- or sms..-I °p.-W.'}-J}? pany or companies, having proper facilities for the prompt and etiicient °°° performance of submarine work, for the purpose of recovering the remains of the officers and men lost on the United States ship Maine, and of saving the vessel or such parts thereof, and so much of her stores, guns, material, equipment, iittings, and appurtenances as may be practicable; and for this purpose the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby approprinted and made immediately available. Approved, February 23, 1898. [No, 12.] Joint Resolution Relating to the uudistribnted quotas of the Onloial March 5,1998- Records of the Union and Confederate N avies in the W'ar of the Rebellion. ""‘_""""°’" Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States . of America in Congress assembled, That the undistribnted quotas of the UQ*¤¤i¤i wR¤•;>r;*i; Oiiicial Records of the Union and Gontederate Navies in the War of the WYE}- ;€.,¤,;;m.,,: