Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/768

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 643-645. 1898. ° 7 29 which the Supreme Court of the United States would have had jurisdiction under the then existing law, if a proper appeal had been taken thereto at the time said cases were filed on appeal in said circuit court of appeals, be, and the same are deemed and treated as regularly filed on appeal in the Supreme Court of the United States as of the date rmusmaueutrm. when tiled in said circuit court of appeals. The clerk of said circuit °"’°·°‘°· court of appeals is directed to transmit to the Supreme Court of the United States, as soon as practicable, the records of such cases, and the clerk of said Supreme Court is directed to receive and tile the same for hearing and determination in the Supreme Court of the United States when regularly reached on the docket, subject to any rules made or to be made by said court which may be applicable. Approved, July 8, 1898. C?·AP. 644.-An Act Fixing pay and allowances of chaplains for volunteer regi- V July 8, 1898. men . . —————;-—— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all chaplains in the vol- ¥¤l¤¤t¤¤r Amriunteer service shall have the pay and allowances of a captain mounted. °y °f °h°"l""°' Approved, July 8, 1898. _ CHAP. 645.-An Act Granting right of way through the Pikes Peak Timber Ju]y8,]_$Q8, Land Reserve and the public lands to the Cripple reek Short-Line Railway ——————- Company. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ’ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Cripple Creek Short- L§Q§§§v'f;‘;°kShQ°’*5 Line Railway Company, a corporation created and existing under the right or way dgtgu laws of the State of Colorado, be, and it hereby is, authorized to con- £},,,‘f{’R§,‘j,“,‘f,,,_r"“"°' struct and maintain a railway over and through the Pikes Peak Timber VM- 27 p-1•>06.<>w Land Reserve (heretofore reserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a public reservation by Executive order), said railway to enter L°°¤**°¤· said Pikes Peak Timber Land Reserve at such a point on the eastern or northern boundary thereof in El Paso County, Colorado, as may be found to be the most feasible for the route of said railway, running in a westerly direction from Colorado Springs, Colorado, thence proceeding by the most practicable route through the reserve to the western boundary thereof; also, to proceed by such side tracks, extensions, switches, and spurs as may be necessary to reach any groups of mines _ in said forest reserve, all in said El Paso County; and the said rail- C§Ij§}*_jC;,*;k"{]j,{°*° road company is hereby also granted right of way through the public ° lands to the town of Cripple Creek, in the said State of Colorado; said right of way being granted subject to the rules and restrictions and carrying all the rights and privileges of an Act entitled “An Act V°L *8·P·“?— granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States,” approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy- five, said Act being hereby made applicable to the right of way hereby granted: Provided, That no timber shall be out by said railroad com- {f{¤·L<>·· pany for any purpose outside of the rights of way herein granted: m r' And providedfarther, That the right of way herein granted shall not interfere with the right of way on Government land through the Pikes Peak Timber-land Reserve, granted by Act of Congress, entitled: “An Act granting right of way through the Pikes Peak Timber-land Reserve and the public lands to the Cripple Creek District Railway t fifw C¤‘¤°k W Company," approved June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and rE.»,p.`i€f ninety-eight. Approved, July 8, 1898.