Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/765

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726 FIFTY-FIFTH CON GBESS. Sess. II. Ch. 641. 1898. Pima, approval oi PLANS. Smo. 4. That all plan of location and construction hall be subject to the approval of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Excavations. · EXCAVATIONS. Smo. 5. That excavations in the highways shall be made under permits from the Commissioners, and subject to regulations prescribed by them. Construction. _ CONSTRUCTION. ` Sec. 6. That the railway and its appurtenances shall be constructed ..1¤.p¤m¤¤. in a substantial and durable manner. Such construction shall at all mgm. times be subject to District inspection. All changes to existing structures in public space shall be made at the expense of the company. nspuns DEPOSITS. SEO. 7. That the company shall deposit such sums as the Commissioners may require to cover the cost of District inspection and the cost of changes to public works in the streets. Camof roadway. CARE OF ROADWAY. Sec. 8. That the company shall keep the space between its rails and tracks and two feet exterior thereto in good condition, to the satisfaction of the Commissioners; and said spaces shall be kept in such condition that vehicles can readily and easily pass from one side of the tracks to the other. The pavement of these spaces shall be at least as ctmgs ot gmk good as that of the contiguous roadway. The proper authorities shall °“’· have the right to make changes of grade and other improvements —•¤1>¤¤~•¤ which they may deem necessary; and when any highway occupied by the company is improved the company shall bear the entire expense of improving said spaces to correspond with the remainder of the roadway. The requirements of this section shall be enforceable under the Vol-¤>.1>1¤5· provisions of section five of the Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia, approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventyeight. Completion. COMPLETION. Sec. 9. That the road shall be in operation for its entire length within the District of Columbia within two years from the approval of this Act. Deposittognarnntee GUARANTEE DEPOSIT. Oonstruction. Sec. 10. That within sixty days from the approval of this Act the company shall deposit one thousand dollars with the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia to guarantee the construction o_f its railway within the prescribed time. If this sum is not so deposited this charter shall be void. lf the sum is so deposited and the road is not in operation as herein prescribed said one thousand dollars shall be forfeited to the District of Columbia and this charter shall be void. Cars. CARS. Sec. 11. That the cars shall be first class, and shall be kept in good condition, to the satisfaction of the Commissioners. Timetable- TIME-TABLE. Sec. l2. That the cars shall be run as often as the public convenience requires, on a timetable satistactory to the Commissioners and approved by t iem.