Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/647

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608 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Szass. ll. Ch. 546. 1898. lighting and power, telephone, telegrams, ice, and washing, office furniture, repairs, traveling expenses of assistants and others employed in the office sent on special duty in the service of the office, contingencies of all kinds, and for extra labor not to exceed two thousand dollars; in all, twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. For the discussion and publication of observations, one thousand dollars. A**¤*¤¤°¤¤· That no part of the money herein appropriated for the Coast and Geodetic Survey shall be available for allowance to civilian or other officers for subsistence while on duty at Washington (except as hereinbefore provided for officers of the field force ordered to Washington for short periods for consultation with the Superintendent), or to officers of the Navy attached to the Survey, except as now provided by law. t£fi,’;,lh°°°i°° Im"` UNDER SMITH SONIAN INSTITUTI()N_ International ex- INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES! For GXPBIISBS of hl1G SySlGGl11 of lI1lI8I‘~ °"“"g"· national exchanges between the United States and foreign countries, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, and the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, twenty-one thousand dollars. A*¤°**°°** ********1* AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY: For continuing etlinological researches °gy' among the American Indians, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, and the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, fifty thousand dollars, of which sum not exceeding one thousand dollars may be used for rent of building. A¤=r·>vhy¤i<=¤1 0b- Asrnoruxsrcn UBSERVATORYZ For maintenance of Astrophysical '°""°'y' Observatory, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, includ- - ing salaries of assistants, the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, apparatus, printing and publishing results of researches, not exceedingoiga thousand five hundred copies, and miscellaneous expenses, 'ten thousan dollars. xmmmi museum. NATIONAL MUSEUM: For cases, furniture, fixtures, and appliances required for the exhibition and safe-keeping of the collections of the National Museum, including twenty thousand dollars for furnishing new galleries and including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, thirty-five thousand dollars. For expense of heating, lighting, electrical, telegraphic, and telephonic service for the National Museum, fourteen thousand dollars. For continuing the preservation, exhibition, and increase of the collections trom the surveying and exploring expeditions of the Government, and from other sources, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, one hundred and sixty—uve thousand dollars, of which sum five thousand five hundred dollars may be used for necessary drawings and illustrations for publications of the National M useum. For purchase of books, pamphlets, and periodicals for reference in the National Museum, two thousand dollars. For repairs to buildings, shops, and sheds, National Museum, including all necessary labor and material, four thousand dollars. For rent of workshops and temporary storage quarters for the National Museum, four thousand five hundred dollars. For postage stamps and foreign postal cards for the National Museum, five hundred dollars. For the continuation of the construction of galleries in the National Museum building, under the direction of the Superintendent of the Congressional Library building and grounds, in accordance with the approval of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and for the building of skylights above galleries in the four courts, and the elription of a ventilator upon the roof of the Lecture Hall, ten thousand o ars. Purchase ur iggmry For purchase of two thousand nine hundred volumes, eighteen °* ‘·'·B"""’ *'° °· thousand pamphlets, and one thousand eight hundred portraits, auto-