Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/522

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 468, 469. 1898. 483 Sec. 26. That within sixty days from the approval of this Act the Deposit *<>_s·¤¤¤¤4 company shall deposit one thousand dollars with the collector of taxes M °°"”""°"°”' of the District of Columbia to guarantee the construction of its railway within the prescribed time. If this sum is not so deposited this —p¤¤¤1ty.·>w· charter shall be void. If the sum is so deposited and the road is not in operation as herein prescribed, said one thousand dollars shall be forfeited to the District of Columbia and this charter shall be void. Sec. 27. That failure or neglect to comply with any of the provisions mP¤r·¤1ty fqr failure of this Act, except as hereinbefore provided for, shall render the said °°mp Y W'"` “°° corporation liable to a iine of twenty-five dollars for each and every day during which such failure or neglect shall continue, which penalty may be recovered in the name of the District of Columbia by the Commis- ‘ sioners of the said District in any court of competent jurisdiction: Provided, however, That unless the line of the said railway shall be Pr•wi••»._ completed, with cars running regularly thereon for the accommodation °°“"1""°” °m"°‘ of passengers, within two years from the date of the passage of this Act, this charter shall be null and void. Sec. 28. That Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal Amendment this Act. Approved, June 18, 1898. _ ‘ CHAP. 469.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to promote the adminis- June 18, 1898. tration of justice in the Army/’ approved October first, eighteen hundred and ninety, **···—·— and for other purposes. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled an “An Amy. Act to promote the administration of justice in the Army," approved ,¤E$“'§,{.`g‘;’sQfj fg} October first, eighteen hundred and ninety, as supplemented and angered men. amended by subsequent legislation, be, and the same is hereby, amended vgil gil tf gig so as to read as follows: “That the commanding officer of each garrison, fort, or other place, —¤rv<>i¤¢¤¤¤¢- regiment or corps, detached battalion, or company, or other detachment in the Army, shall' have power to appoint for such place or command, or in his discretion for each battalion thereof, a summary court to consist of one officer to be designated by him, before whom enlisted men who are to be tried for offenses, such as were prior to the passage of -,,1,,, 0,,,,,,,,, ms, the Act ‘to promote the administration of justice in the Army} ¤ige~¤{*•;6 m approved October first, eighteen hundred and ninety, cognizable by °‘ '*°‘ ‘ garrison or regimental courts~martial, and offenses cognizable by iield officers detailed to try offenders under the provisions of the eightieth n. s., me mz, pp and one hundred and tenth articles of war, shall be brought to trial 2*’8·”*°~ within twenty-four hours of the time of the arrest, or as soon there- ” after as practicable, except when the accused is to be tried by general court-martial; but such summary court may be appointed and the onicer designated by superior authority when by him deemed desirable; and the officer holding the summary court shall have power to admin- `*’°‘“’"°'°°“"*°"’· · ister oaths and to hear and determine such cases, and when satisfied of the guilt of the accused adjudge the punishment to be indicted, which said punishment shall not exceed confinement at hard labor for one month and forfeiture of one month’s pay, and, in the case of a noncommissioned officer, reduction to the ranks in addition thereto; that -mm·a. there shall be a summary court record kept at each military post and in the iield at the headquarters of the proper command, in which shall be entered a record of all cases heard and determined and the action had thereon; and no sentence adjudged by said summary court shall §§{,’§'°"‘l °f ""` be executed until it shall have been approved by the officer appointing the court, or by the officer commanding for the time being: Provided, {rzwv- m That when but one commissioned officer is present with a command he L.? w°R°».° c53mi3K shall hear and finally determine such cases: And provided further, °'g;“mpd“_ hm That no one while holding the privileges of a certificate of eligibility mi by summary to promotion shall be brought before a summary court, and that nom "°“'**°°°‘