Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/435

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396 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1898. tA¤‘¤·¤ *¤ ¤*¤°¤**¤· For manufacture, repairing, procuring, and issuing arms at the ° °' national armories, one hundred and fortyeight thousand dollars. Fortilicntionm FOBTIFICATIONS. A¤¤=¤¤**¤° °*· For the following for armament of fortifications, to be available until expended: M¢·>·e274- For procuring three and two·tenths inch field cannon, with their carriages, equipments, sights, and harness, in addition to amount allotted under the appropriation for national defense, and ammunition, including machinery, tools, and so forth, for their manufacture at the arsenals, five hundred and forty thousand dollars. For procuring siege guns, their carriages and ammunition, including machinery, tools, and so forth, for their manufacture at the arsenals, tive hundred and ten thousand eight hundred dollars. For procuring range finders and instruments for fire control, Iitty thousand dollars. For powders and projectiles for seacoast guns and mortars, and for explosives for filling the projectiles, for fuses, and for necessary machinery, tools, and so forth, for their manufacture at the arsenals, and for test plates and expenses of testing, one million and fifteen thousand dollars. For ammunition for rapid-fire guns, four hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. _ _ For fitting up twenty-one fifteeninch smooth-bore carriages to take the eightdncb breech-loading rides, twenty-one thousand dollars. For twelve-inch barbette carriages, including inspection, test specimens, and so forth, two hundred and seventy-tive thousand dollars. M¤<¤¤¤¤D·*r>¤¤¤¤¤¤*- memos;. DEPARTMENT. . A§;r{r>li·=¤· "°l¤¤*°°* For the purchase of medical supplies for the Volunteer Army of the ‘United States Army, fifty thousand dollars. mgacineer Deruf- ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. M=¤°¤‘*°l¤»*°°*·°· *‘“‘· For pontoon boats, pontoniers’ materials, intrenching tools, drawing instruments, surveying instruments, note books, printing and issuing maps, sappers and miners’ tools, fifty thousand dollars. For expeditionary force to Cuba, namely: For construction plant, fifty-two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars: For intrenching tools, thirteen thousand and ninety-five dollars; For portable electric outfit, twenty-three thousand two hundred and twenty-five dollars; For surveying und drawing instruments, sixteen thousand four hundred and sixty-four dollars: For the procurement of field maps printed on linen with indelible ink. three thousand dollars; '?"¤“¤¤°¤* °*P"**’*‘*'- For unforeseen contingent expenses which involve immediate expenditure lor purposes of imperative urgency, forty-two thousand dollars; in all, one lmndred and fifty thousand and thirty-four dollars, to he expended under direction of the Maior-General Commanding the Army, and to be available until expended. d;|;2;Erl·>•·¤ Mr l¤·¤rl>·>t TORPEDOES FOR. HARBOR DEFENSE. For the purchase of additional torpedo material, fifty thousand dollars. For expenses of planting torpedoes now in progress at all principal harbors, three hundred thousand dollars. _ul’rinli¤2 and Bind- 1 2. For printing and binding for the Navy Department, twenty thousand dollars. For printing and binding for the Treasury Department, thirty thonsand dollars.