Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/397

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358 FIFTY-FIFTH? ooscmnssz sms. 11. cu. 160. isos. Kadosh, and Mark D: Brainard, senior, of Albert Pike Consistory, of the » order of Free and Accepted Masons of the District of Columbia, representing the several bodies above named, and their associates and' successors to be appointed as hereinafter declared, be, and they are hereby, constituted a body politic and corporate within the District of Columbia, under the name of The Masonic Temple Association of—the · Powers- District of Columbia, and by the same name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be able to·sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,. in any court of law or equity of competent jurisdiction, and to make and have a common seal, and the same to alter and renew at_ pleasure; to enact such by-laws and regulations, and generally to do such acts as are or may be necessary to carry into effect this Act and promote the objects and designs of this corporation. }f¤¤¤>¤¤• of ¤¤r1¤> Sec. 2. That the purposes and designs of this corporation shall be the " '°"` purchase of a site in the city of Washington, in said District. andthe erection and maintenance thereon of a Masonic temple, whereby the mutual improvement of its members and the tenets and the educational, benevolent, and charitable work and purposes of the order of Free and Accepted Masons and of bodies related thereto may be promoted and “f'°y;{ mfg, 331;*;, advanced; and for said.purposes~the said corporation shall have power m3¢s,ez¤. to take and hold, cucumber and convey, such real not exceeding one quarter of a block and personal estate as maybe necessary therefor, to · erect such buildings thereon, and to rent the same or any parts thereof ` as a source of revenue for the purpeseshforesaid. 3***** ff '¤“°€‘*'°· Sec. 3. That the adairs of saidmorporation shall be conducted by a board of managers, to be elected annually in December by the respective bodies owning capital stock of this corporation to the amount of not less than five hundred dollars each, and to continue·in office until their successors shall be elected, not less than a majority of whom shall be a ~v°w¤**· quorum to do business. The board may till vacancies happening in their number from the members of the body losing representation until such time as an election may be had at the next meeting of that body to fill such vacancy; they shall elect one of then- number as president, and a secretary and a treasurer, which latter officer shall give bond in. such amount as may be iixed by the board of managers, and such otherofficers as may be necessary for conducting the affairs of said corporation. The managers shall have the right to elect to membership other bodies owning capital stock of this corporation at their discretion.

lg»*¢=¤=·¢*<>¤¤ ·>f ¤¤<·¤··· Sec. 4. That the persons-named in section one of this Act be, and they

_0‘ "_ um are hereby, constituted a board of managers, to serve as such until their 'L " °“ successors shall be elected, as herein providcdl A meeting of said managers shall be held within sixty days after the approval of this Act, at which time they may proceed to organize, adopt bylaws, provide all’ nlecessary books, and exercise general superintendence of the affairs of V t c corporation. ,,f,‘},fj{;{'j,l"“"°*’ "’ Sec. 5. That whenever it shall be deemed necessary for the purposes of this corporation, the managers shall have the power, by a vote representing a majority of the~capital stock, to issue bonds, secured upon the real estate held by this corporation; and no encumbrance or con- ` veyance of the real estate of the corporation shall be made except by a Mmm _ vote representing such majority of the capital stock. g" Sec. 6. That the first annual meeting of this corporation shall be held in the month of January, eighteen hundred aud·ninety-nine, and there- _ _ _ after at such time and place as shall be-determined by the managers. ‘~'**P**°* ‘“’·‘k·l*"*“· Sec. T. That the capital stock of this corporation shall not be less than one hundred and tihy thousand dollars nor more than three hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of ten dollars each.

  • "'"‘““‘*""· $1-:0. S. That Congress reserves to itself the right to change, alter,.

repeal. or amend this Act. or any part thereof, at its pleasure. Approved, April 15,.1898.