Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/393

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354 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 119, 120. 1898. APH} ll- 1898- CHAP. 119.-An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge across Saint Fran ‘t"""" cis River, in the State of Arkansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Fnited m§f},ff,j‘,{‘°1‘{§‘8,'f{,l§,l,§,‘f States of America in Congress assembled, That the Saint Francois Bridge pany of Pagugould. and Plank Road Company of Paragould, Arkansas, incorporated under §§,5;g,,'g“§‘{§,l£§f"}§fk,§,'{j the laws of said State, is hereby authorized to construct, operate, and sas.maintain a drawbridge across Saint Francis River, at or near the township line between townships sixteen and seventeen north, in Green m§_<=¤;;=_;;Y 1:; “'*" County, State of Arkansas. Said bridge shall be constructed in accord- `pp pance with such plans as the Secretary of War may decide to be neces- ·‘l'“"· sary in the interest of navigation; and the draw shall be constructed in accordance with such plans as may be approved by the Secretary of VVar, and may be of pontoon or other construction, and may, by permission and under the direction of the Secretary of War, be changed. P¤=¤¤¤s¤ Of *¤l*i¤l¤¤· Said bridge shall provide for the passage of wagons and vehicles of all °°°‘ kinds, for the transit of animals, and for foot passengers, and the said ron, company may charge reasonable rates of toll, to be approved by the Secretary of War. {{**;**1 $¤‘¤°*¤¤= Sec. 2. That said bridge constructed under this Act shall be a law- °° Ws mu °` ful structure, and shall be recognized as a post route, upon which no charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, nif:l¤s¤P*· °°¤*P=*· troops, and munitions of war of the United States; and equal privi- ` leges in the use of said bridge shall be granted to all telegraph com- · _ panics; and the United States shall have the right of way across said Isjgjgjgg, of Wu bridge and approaches for postal telegraph purposes: Provided, That to approve iwmon, before the construction of any bridge herein authorized is commenced P’“““i °"°· the said company shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawing of such bridge and of the location, giving sufficient information to enable the Secretary of War to fully and satisfactorily understand the subject, and unless the plan and location of such bridge are approved by the Secretary of Mh *0 ¤¤*iz¤*i°¤· War the structure shall not be built: Provided further, That any bridge constructed under authority of this Act shall at all times be so kept and managed as to offer proper and reasonable means for the passage cf vessels and other water crafts through or under said structure ; and mgm. for the safety of vessels passing at night there shall be displayed on said bridge from sunset to sunrise such lights or other signals as may be prescribed by the Light-House Board when any vessel shall signal to pass. C·»¤¤¤p¤·-¤·¤·~¤¤ uml Sec. 3. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of """‘*°""°"‘ the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years trom the approval of this Act. A¤¤··¤—1¤¤¢¤¤· Sec. 4. That Congress shall have the power at any time to alter, amend, or repeal this Act, or any part thereof, if in its judgment the public interests so require. Approved, April 11, 1898. April 11, 1898. CHAP. 120.-An Act Extending the right of commutation to certain homestead · A · r settlers on lands in Oklahoma 'ferritory, opened to settlement under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to ratifv and confirm the agreement with the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma Territory, und to make appropriations for carrying the same into effect." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the ('nited n.u.11.- anis. States of America in Congress assembled, That the right of commutation ,,fpQ‘fj{Q‘ffjj}§,',’",§§’é§fj is hereby extended to all bona tide homestead settlers on the lands in W mg;-. <>y_gyr»¤·¤¤. Oklahoma Territory, opened to settlement under the provisions of the v"L·' l’·°°" Act of Congress entitled *°An Act to ratify and contirm an agreement with the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma Territory, and to make appro priations for carrying the same into etfect/’ approved March third, rtree. r.. nas. eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and the President’s proclamation