Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/335

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296 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 68. 1898. ` · keeper, cashier, assistant assayer, assistant melter and reiiner, and weigh clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; in all, seventeen thousand three hundred dollars. W•.·:¤¤- For wages of workmen, ten thousand dollars. ¤¤¤¤i¤s¤¤*=¤¤1>¤¤•••- For incidental and contingent expenses, including wastage of operative officers, and loss on sale of sweeps, five thousand dollars. D°¤*’°*· Mmm AT DENVER, COLORADO: For assayerin charge, two thousand ilve hundred dollar ; melter, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand six hundred dollar ; clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant assayer_ and calculating clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; in all, twelve thousand three hundred and nfty dollars. w"fi°“· For wages of workmen, twenty thousand dollars. °°"““¥°"‘°‘l’°“‘°'· For incidental and contingent expenses, five thousand dollars. mf;}g,:f,;jwQ:; Until the mint and assay office Denver hall become a coinage mint ssmimai. g° in accordance with law, the present mint shall be continued as an assay "°‘~”*P·°"· office, and the business now transacted at said mint shall be continued therein, and the appropriations heretofore and herein made shall be applicable to such mint. · 1,$:y_0*gg_¤¤- Mimi AT Nnw O1z1.nANs, Lomsrnu: For superintendent, three p` thousand dollars; assayer, melter and reilner, and coiner, at two thousand dollars each; cashier and 'chief clerk, two thousand dollars; as 'stant assayer, assistant melter and reiiner, and assistant coiner, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; abstract clerk, bookkeeper, weigh clerk, and assayer’s computation clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; register of deposits, warrant clerk, and assistant weigh clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; cashier’s cleliik, one thousand dollars; in all, twenty-five thousand two hundred - dollars. W¤z¤=- For wages of workmen and adjusters, thirty thousand dollars. °°¤*·i¤H°°*°‘P°“°°°· For incidental and contingent expenses, including wastage of operative officers, and loss on sale of sweeps, eight thousand dollars. Silver minion nn And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to supply the ,‘{j’,{‘,:f,;f*°” “"° '“"' mint at New Orleans with silver bullion for conversion into standard silver dollars and all smaller denominations of silver. Philadelphia. MINT AT PHILADELPHIA: For superintendent, four thousand five hundred dollars; assayer, melter and refiner, coiner, and engraver, at three thousand dollars each; assistant assayer, assistant melter and refiner, and assistant coiner, at two thousand dollars each; cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; bookkeeper, abstract clerk, and weigh clerk, at two thousand dollars each; cashier’s clerk, warrant clerk, and register of deposits, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each; assistant weigh clerk, and assayer’s computation clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; in all, forty-one thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. wma. For wages of workmen and adjusters,two hundred and fifty thousand . dollars. C¤¤ri¤¤¤¤¢¤=I>¤¤¤·¤¤· For incidental and contingent expenses, including new machinery and repairs, expenses annual assay commission, wastage of operative officers and loss on sale of sweeps (and purchases, not exceeding five hundred dollars in value, of specimen coins and ores for the cabinet of the mint), fifty-five thousand dollars. sun Francisco- MINT AT SAN Fn.ANc1sc0, CALIFORNIA: For superintendent, four thousand five hundred dollars; assayer, melter and retiner, and coiner, at three thousand dollars each; chief clerk, and cashier, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; bookkeeper, abstract clerk, weigh clerk, warrant clerk, assistant assayer, assistant melter and reiiner, assistant coiner, and register of deposits, at two thousand dollars each; cashier’s clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assayer’s computation clerk, assistant weigh clerk, and superintendent’s calculating clerk. at one thousand six hundred dollars each; in all, forty-one thou and one hundred dollars. _ Wws For wages of workmen and adjusters, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.