Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/306

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 55. 1898. 267 SCHEDULE B. smuuaa SALARIES, c0NSU"LAn SERVICE. Salma. · Consul-general at Havana, six thousand dollars; M Oonsulsgenerd. Consuls-general at London, Paris and Rio de Janeiro, at five thousand dollars each, fifteen thousand dollars; Consuls-general at Hongkong, Shanghai and Calcutta, at five thousand dollars each, fifteen thousand dollars; Consul-general at Melbourne, four thousand five hundred dollars · Consuls·general at Berlin, Montreal, Yokohama, Panama, and Mexico (city), at four thousand dollars each, twenty thousand dollars; Consuls-general at Halifax and Vienna, at three thousand five hundred dollars each, seven thousand dollars; Consuls-general at Antwerp, Apia and N ukualofa., Tonga, Constantinople, Dresden, Guayaquil, Frankfort, Ottawa, Rome, Saint Petersburg, Singapore, Cape Town (hAfrica), Barcelona, and Saint Gall, at three thousand dollars each, t irty-nine thousand dollars; Consul-general at Monterey, at two thousand five hundred dollars; Consul -general at Tangiers and Maracaibo, at two thousand dollars each, four thousand dollars; Consul-general at Santo Domingo, two thousand dollars; Consul-general at Stockholm, one thousand five hundred dollars; Total, one hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred dollars. For salaries of consuls, vice·consuls, and commercial agents, four hun- 0¤¤¤ul¤. dred and forty-two thousand ilve hundred dollars, as follows, namely: Crass I. y£¤¤¤ I. mm a Consul at Liverpool, five thousand dollars. _ CLASS II. ygiruu H. $3.500 ¤ At thiee thousand five hundred dollars per annum. C ina: Consuls at Amoy, Canton, and Tientsin. France: · Consul at Havre. Peru: Consul at Callao. Crass III. Gans m. mm a XBIL At three thousand dollars per annum. Austria: Consul at Prague. Chile: Consul at Valparaiso. Colombia: Consul at Colon (Aspinwall). China: Consuls at Chinkiang, Fuchau, Hankow, and Chung King. France: Consul at Bordeaux. Germany: Consuls at Barmen and Nuremberg. Great Britain and British Dominions: Consuls at Belfast, Bradford, Demerara, Glasgow, Kingston (Jamaica), Manchgster, and Dawson City, British North America. apan: Consuls at Nagasaki, and Osaka and Hiogo. Mexico: Consul at Vera Cruz.