Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/302

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 55. 1898. 263 Envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to Denmark, Hawaiian Islands, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Portugal, at seven tdiousand five hundred dollars each, thirty-seven thousand five hundred ollars; Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Paraguay and Uruguay, seven thousand five hundred dollars; Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Sweden and Norway, seven thousand ive hundred dollars; Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Roumania, Servia, and Greece, six thousand five hundred dollar  ; Envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to Bolivia, Ecuador, and Haiti, at Eve thousand dollars each (and the envoy extraordin ary and minister plenipotentiary to Haiti shall also be accredited as charge d’aifaires to Santo Domingo), fifteen thousand dollars; Minister resident and consul-general to Korea, seven thousand five mmm '°*f§,j¤* hundred dollars; m ' Ministers resident and consuls-general to Siam and Persia, at live thousand dollars each, ten thousand dollars; Minister resident and consul- general to Liberia, four thousand dollars; Agent and consul-general at Cairo, five thousand dollars; #g°”*·°*°··°°"“*’°· Chargés d’aifaires ad interim and diplomatic officers abroad, thirty Cl¤¤¤‘86d’¤*¤i*¤¤· . thousand dollars; Total, three hundred and eighty thousand dollars. sA1.AJzms on DIPLOMLTIC AND coiwsurnz OFFICERS WHILE mazomv- ING INSTRUCTIONS AND MAKING TBANSITS. _ To pay the salaries of ambassadors, ministers, con uls, and other ,,,f,f;f;,})'i_"°" M officers of the United States for the periods actually and necessarily occupied in receiving instructions, and in making transits to and from their posts, and while awaiting recognition and authority to act, in pursuance of the provisions of section seventeen hundred and forty of the Revised Statutes, so much as may be necessary for the fiscal year end- R·S··°°°·"‘°·¥’·°°°· ing June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, is hereby appropriated. SALABIDS OF smcmcrxnms OF EIBABSIES AND LEGATIONS. Secretaries of embassies to Great Britain, France, Germany, and bggnwjivg <>f"•¤>· Russia, at two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars each, ten °' "` °‘" °°°° thousand five hundred dollars· ‘ . Secretary of embassy to Itaiy, two thousand dollars; Secretaries of legations to Mexico, China, and Japan, at two thousand six hundred and twenty-ilve dollars each, seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; Secretary of legation and consul-general to Colombia, two thousand dollars; Secretary of legation to Guatemala and Honduras and consul-general to Guatemala, two thousand dollars; Secretary of legation and consul-general to the Hawaiian Islands, four thousand dollars; , Secretary of legation to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador, and Chile, one thousand eight hundred dollars each; Secretaries of legations to Turkey, Austria, Spain, and Brazil, at one tlhplusand eight hundred dollars each, seven thousand two hundred o ars- Secrdtaries of legations to Argentine Republic, Venezuela, Peru, Liberia, and Korea, at one thousand ilve hundred dollars each, seven thousand five hundred dollars; _ Second secretaries of embassies to Great Britain, France, Germany, S°°°"° °°°'°°"‘°°' and Russia, at two thousand dollars each, eight thousand dollars; Second secretary of legation to Mexico, two thousand dollars; Second secretaries of legations to Japan and China, who shall be American students of the language of the court and country to which l