Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/291

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252 rrr·rY.r1r·*rn cosonnss. sass. 11. ous. 32,35. 1898. taxes, for the use of the purchaser, his heirs and assigns, the sum mentioned in the certiticate of sale therefor, with interest thereon at the ' rate of fifteen per centum per annum after the date of such certificate of sale, together with any tax or assessment which the holder of said certificate shall have paid between the days of sale and redemption, with interest on the same at the rate of ten per centum per annum. 0,*§;§‘Q"Y °°“"°‘°' Sec. 5. That the collector of taxes shall, within twenty days after the last day of the sale hereinbefore provided for as aforesaid, file with the recorder of deeds a written report, in which he shall give a statement of the property sold, other than that sold to the District of Columbia, to whom it was assessed, the taxes due, to whom sold, the amount bgzplus. hw wl- paid, the date of sale, the cost thereof, and the surplus, if any. Any ‘ surplus remaining after the collection of taxes, penalties, and costs on any real estate shall be collected as provided in sections one hundred and sixtg-one and one hundred and sixty-two, chapter six, of the 1L sv-C-. um 161. Revised tatutes of the United states, relating to the District of Columm’ ""1°"°‘ bia, and shall be deposited by the collector of taxes to the credit of the surplus fund, to be paid to the owner or owners, or their legal representatives, in the same manner as other payments made by the District. nmua sales. Sec. 6. That the said Commissioners shall not convey any property sold for taxes if they shall discover, before the conveyance, that the sale was for any cause invalid and ineiectual to give title to the property sold; but they shall cancel the sale and cause the purchase money to be refunded to the purchaser, his representatives or assigns. u32?" f"' '°“"" Sec. 7. That the expenses of advertising and the printing of said pamphlet shall be paid by a charge of one dollar and twenty cents for each lot or piece of property advertised. T° “k° ’·“`°*‘*·· Sec. 8. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage; Repeal. and all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, February 28, 1898. M¤¤‘¤h 4- 169% CHAP. 35.-An Act To amend an Act to prohibit the passage of local or speeinl

    • 1* ‘ laws in the Territories, to limit Territorial indebtedness, and so forth.

Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United '€•¤;·r;:0rief,0 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of Congress M‘{,;,,,,;,§’;; ‘,;,,,,,,,,. approved July thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, entitled

;•j:¤¤]j:{,§ “An act toprohibit the passage of local or special laws in the Terripm,. " “I tories of the United States, to limit Territorial indebtedness, and for

other pnrposes/’ is hereby amended so as to permit, authorize, and legalize the issuance of bonds by chartered municipal corporations having a bona fide population of not less than one thousand persons, as shown by the last school census taken before any election to be held under the provisions of this Act, in any Territory of the United States, for sanitary and health purposes, the construction of sewers, waterworks, and the improvement of streets. The limitations of said Act of July thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eiglntysix, shall not apply to {_'m{m>h m Mw such municipal corporations: Prorided, That before any bonds shall be mi., 5s,.,..,,. .,; issued the mayor and common council of said chartered municipal cor- ""“"’· porations shall cause an election to be held in such city or town, and the mayor and common council of such municipal corporation shall _ _ cause to be published, in a newspaper of general circulation published """“° "‘· in such city or town, a notice of the time and place or places of holding _ such election. Such notice shall be given at least thirty days before m}:;g;°{}_g;P;L**¤**“°**· such election. On the question of the issuance of said bonds no person ` shall be qualified to vote except he be in all respects a qualified elector and owner of real or personal property subject to taxation within the municipality. In case two-thirds of the qualified voters, as above described, shall vote affirmatively for the issuance of said bonds, then