Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/224

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rmrx:-rirrn oonennss. snss. 1. V on. 11. isen. 185 times the duty imposed by this Act on· one pound of unwashed wool of WS¤{¤¤>g1·¤ K f the tirst class, and in addition thereto sixty per centum ad valorem. ms§($rj!i:0Ii1i$1iiie.i°" 371. Wcbbings, gorings, suspenders, braces, bandings, beltings, Webbiugsotc. bindings, braids, galloons, edgings, insertings, ilouncings, fringes, gimps, cords, cords and tassels, laces and other trimmings and articles made wholly or in part of lace, embroideries and articles embroidered by hand or machinery, head nets, netting, buttons or barrel buttons or buttons of other forms for tassels or ornaments, and manufactures of wool ornamented with beads or spangles of whatever material composed, any of the foregoing made,of wool or of which wool is a component material, whether composed in part of indiarubber or otherwise, fifty cents per pound and sixty per centum ad valorem. 372. Aubusson, Axminster, moquette, and chenille carpets, iigured ¤¤¤1>¤¢¤- or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, . sixty cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. . ° 373. Saxony, Wilton, and Tournay velvet carpets, iigured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, sixty cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. . 374. Brussels carpets, Hgured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, forty-four cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty- per centum ad valorem. , . 375. Velvet and tapestry velvet carpets, figured or plain, printed on the warp or otherwise, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, forty cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. · · " 376. Tapestry Brussels carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, printed on the warp or otherwise, twentyeight cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 377. Treble ingrain, three-ply, and all chain Venetian carpets, twenty· two cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 378. Wool Dutch and two-ply ingrain carpets, eighteen cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 379. Carpets of every description woven whole for rooms, and Oriental, Berlin, Aubusson, Axminster., and similar rugs, ten cents per square foot and in addition thereto, forty per centum ad valorem. 380. Druggets and bookings, printed, colored, or otherwise, twenty- two cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 381. Carpets and carpeting of wool, ilax, or cotton, or composed in part of either, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem. _ 382. Mats, rugs for floors, screens, covers, hassocks, bed sides, art M¤¤¤·¤¤z¤y<>¢¤- squares, and other portions of carpets or carpeting made wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in this Act, shall. be sub iected to the rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpetings of `like character or description. 383. Whenever, in any schedule of this Act, the word “wool" is used f"W¤¤¤»" <M¤i¢i•>¤ in connection with a manufactured article of which it is a component °` material, it shall be held to include wool or hair of the sheep, camel, goat, alpaca or other animal, whether manufactured by the woolen, worsted, felt, or any other process. , Sonnnunn L.s—SILKS Ann SILK Goons. . saiiségggghigms. 384. Silk partially manufactured from cocoons or from waste silk, and mfgguwy '““”“*`” not further advanced or manufactured than carded Qor combed silk, ' forty cents per pound. ‘ . Y · . . . . ‘ .385. Thrown silk, not more advanced than singles, tram, organzine, sewing silk, twist, tloss, and silk threads or yarns ofevery description,