Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2050

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2020 INDEX. War Dapartment—C011tin11ed. P¤.*.;<>· Warehoaesc (sec Bonded \Varch0us0s), Pagedoficiency appropriation for fortifica.- for Indian supplies, to be established at tions -.. . -. 122 Omaha, Nobr .. ..-. 75 for improving Columbia. River, \Vas11-. . 149 to distribute upplies .. . . . . 75 for improving Mississippi River 217 building to be provided, fhmished, etc., for pay of Army .. . . 120, free of cost -- .. .--- 75 142,146, 148, 237, 707, 772 collection of additional tax on fermented for Volunteer Soldiers' Home .. -... 121 E liquors in . . .-.. 448 143, 237. 667, 1226 Warehouse Receipts, for national cemeteries . 237 r stamp tax on .. . . .-.. -... 462 for printing and binding ., -.. 422, 439, 696 i n‘m·5,,g, Dam; Cu ¤Xt!'¤· (ali ¤P00i$1 duty Pay, not ¤U0W¤· 492 f pension increased . . . . -... 1433 e - a ·” ·a _ for military establishment .. 437, 1222 1 W H ‘q’ Llfcrm Cj 1561 for Sh¤;>1¤{)g¤¤ T¤>:b¤g¤¤ Lane ------ - ---- 666 i WE:°;;;,;:?1°a°° `````````'' for can cat W. H. mit .. . .. 666 . * . . for pm m.em..e Tool Company ... em ¤gp<2¤=e··¤¤g 06 gy gw qs¤¤¤*¤*·=d -------- lggg for headstoncs for soldiers' graves .. 667, Wa mzsufu rj: ° ug ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘'‘ 1225 1216 arm pnnga gency, reg., fm- Jegol-son Ban-ackg, M0 ______ _ ______ ’ 661 I appropriation for Indian agent at - -- 64, 573, 926 for Rebellion Records .. . . .. 667 [ Warner, Jonathan, for reservoirs, Mississipipi River .-.. 667 ¤ payment to administrator of .. . .. 1205 for bein of M¤r§=¤¤¢ ¤¤¤¤<iy ------ -- - 667Warm, June E. (www), for buildings an grounds, Washington. 668 pension ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____________________ 1473 for temporary force .. . -. . 22, 696, 772 Warne', Wuhan for temporary employees heretofore au- -’ · ’ . . . pension mcroased .. .- -. --.- ,. 1411 thonged not subject to c1v1rsorvice WM of me Reb '_ a Bworda of ( ee 8 · a ______ _ ________________ el um, (Mics I c fm. :£u ¥02xP°m“ __________ ____ 696, Eg Records of the Rebellion). for stationery - . . . 696, 772 War Vessels (acc Navigation), for rent .,.. . ... . . 696, 772 in inland waters, rules of other nations for Subsistence Department .. . . 712 relative additional lights, ctc .. 99 for Qus.rtermaster’s Department .. . . 707, W wbelpgxlnbition of lights ou, suspended. 102 712, 1223, 1246 ar wit pa n, for transportation, Army. 394, 701, 707, 710, 712 extra pay to enlisted men . ... 1073 for barracks and quarters . ... . . 712 payable to legal representatives. . .. 1074 for nm And mortar batteries ... 712 Warrant gmc",} Navy, for goat:} of Ordnance and Fortiticatiou 712 { yank and pay of ____________________ _ _____ 1007 for contingencies of fortifications .. 712 i these having Sm-ved 5ft00a yggrg to be for California Débris Commission. 143, 149, 712 commissioned, atc ______ _ _____ _ _____ 1007 fo1'10¤* P¥¤P¤!’tY ---·-- · ----· - ·--·--·--- 712 V examination for promotion. ..,.. . .,._ 1007 {01* t1‘§V¢§]1¤g GXPBDRS, V0}¤¤f601'¤ --·--- 712 } warrant machinists, appointment, pav, for dr1l1mg,_otc., volunteers 712 em ___________ __ _________________ Q_ 1007 {0f FU B{_¤§1:¤1¥ VgL¤¤t·001'¤ - -·-- 143, 712, Eg War Revgnuc Bill (ace Stamps, Taxes, Internal °!‘ 6W 0 U' Y ·-·--· · --··----·-· avenue etc. for Colorado River, Arizona 707 printing of, 0,-am-°d{’___ ______________ 18m IQ)2 for arrears of pay, volunteers .. . . . . 121, - gnrgllmout of ______ __ ______ _ _____________ ’ 1g0g 143, 148, 149, 707, 710, 1249 W,,.,.;,,,. Rh,". {P: E:;;°:2l3':.:;l3 Md ‘ •'‘°' ‘ ‘'‘‘‘ *352 Ig appr0pri¤ti:m for purvey, etc. ,.,, , ,.. 48 fgr gwucgu Bind, -·. » 781 Wconetrrgtiou budge authorized across.. 905

  • `°' ggj§j‘*‘° *‘°*‘°*°¤°*°* *¤ °¤P*°¤·**¤·· 781 Z§',Z¥Spr¤$Z€L¤ 2;} ampmve...m er; emfor credit accounts of disbursiug elerk., 1122 W . kt}';"" é" ······ · ··-·- · ----·-···· 1139 ‘

for advertising .. . _ , 1222 :"°'° .";r¤ f ·¤. 7 f u fm, army contingencies______ --0. 1222 pproprm mn or mnprox ement 0 .. .. 36 rm- memeen department .. ... me W¤¤W~·¤, John J-, for miscellaneous expenses ...,,,,__ _ __ _ 1225 P°¤¤i0¤ i¤¤¤`0¤¤6d ---··-.-... 2 ·.·. 1402 suspension of certain tprovisicms relative to Wmhburn, Olcvia S. (widow), advertisement or supplies, em . . 433, 135], pension. . .--. ..,. ,, _,__,,,, , ...,, 1418 operation of certain provisions of law sus- I Waahinglma, _ yended . .. : . . . I ._ 433, 1350 appropriation for superintendent of lifeprinting ci extra copies of military publi- saving, 6;% stations _ ____ ____ 16 603 1080 €¤ti°¤8· *¥“th°!'iZ°d -··-·- -- --·--·--- 739 for charts of coasts em ,,_,__, ;,, , ,,i__ , 302 Adjutant-Geueral’s Office, may pqrchase for surveyor- enerdl, clerks, etc .. 310, 883 books, etc., from approprmtnon for for incident:5 expenses, Indian service contmgant expenses, etc ..: . . ...,_ , 749 in _______________ _ ________ ____ 79, 587, 939 puugazse ot newspapers for mihtary use, 749 fgfigjgtzgpxishéug gsgwultuml sution ____ 612 _ ’· -—--- ·-·-·· ---. -·-- ·-·-;—- S c ouae ,otc . ... 612 gppomtment of add1tional_=ss¤1st¤ut ¤d_]u· for_iish-culture station; employees ,.,, _ 1088 _ tauts-general, uuthqnzed .. - 419 dermeuey eppmp,-jam,,, fo, incidmmls, r tnme extended to examme monthly ne- W l Indian Service __________ _ ____ M5, 150, 713 00111168 _. ·-·· ·; --.- . - -; .. 4 12 I for vglnptggrg ____ _ _ _ ____ __ _ _ 143, 146, 7m, 710 Record and Penman Ofhce, rank of present prosoeutmns for killing fu; eee]; in dis. chief .: ... -, .. . . ... 979 _ met com-1; of _________ __ _________ __ 227 ¤¤k ¤f =¤¤¤¤*¤¤* ¢¤¤·¤f -·-- -- ----------- 979 nght of my grunted xeme mm- Vguay Wdfdwtll, 8d3UOI,. · Rgqwgy Company through Colville payment to admnmstrator of . 1202 Iudmu gomrvatbn ____ ____ ____ ____ 475