Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1992

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1962 INDEX. Signal Corps, Anny—Continucd. Page- Q Sioux Indiana, Dyfcrent Tribu—Coutinued. Pageapprppriation for pay. .. ._-. .. 1065 ‘ appropriation for artesian well at Rosebud do cicncy appropriation for pay, ctc - 697, Agency .. . . . . . . 74 698 707 774 for blacksmith shop etc. on Rosebud volunteer, may be organized, pay and al- , Reservation C-.. .3-- . ., 75 Iowauoe . .. . .. . 417 for schools, ctc .. - . 75, 583, 935 staifuf corps commander toinclude a chiefissue of patents to Santee Sioux, etc - 583 signal officer. . . . . . . . 752 I doticioncy appropriation for support . 147, act reducing grade of Chief Signal Officer, I 708, 713, 1249 _ ropoa _ .-. .. .. 1.-- 752 V Sioux Indiana, Jllcdawakantem Band, Minn., Assistant Chief Slgllal Officor, appoint- = a,ppropr1at1ou for support, ctc., of.-- 78,586,938 ment, etc .- . ... 752 1 deticicncy appropriation for support of. .. 144 detail otguzgicers to Weather Bureau, re- 2 i Sioux Indians, Yankton 1Hbe, P9 _ - ------ - ----..-.. 75 I appropriation for fulfilliu treaty with. .. 75 composition of .. . . . .- 979 , g 583, 933 Signal Opicc, War Department, · deficiency appropriation for support .. 1234 appropriation for clerks, ctc . - . 299, 871 _ Sioux Nation of éndiags, Dak., Sigsala ¤ appropriation or a otmonts to- .._ 940 regufatioras to prevent collisions on in- , Sioux Ruczvphon, 1{1¢;k.,f h h b ` lan waters, ctc ..-..-.. --.. 96 paymen or rig o way t roug , to o Signal Service, Army (sec Signal Corps), I Iécfulpdsldgo Chicago, Milwaukee and appropriation for expenses 326 1064 t. n ailway Co .. . .--. 749 doiioiency appropriation for .. . .- - j 143 Sipscy Rirer, for pnrcl1ase,otc., Hold tolographs, ctc-- 438 - construction of bridge authorized across. 905 for military posts . - . . . . 438 T Straps, for civilian employees, etc 327, 390, 438 , Stamp tax ou. -.--- ,. .--.-. . . 462 for pay of enlisted men ..-- 392 I Shoo, William, for military tolographs, ctc - 778 I payment to cxccutrix of- ... .- 1168 Silctz Agency Oreg. - » Sinctan Agency S. Dal:. appropriation fm: Indian agent at .-.- 64, 572, 925 appropriation for Indian agent at . - ., 64, 573, 925 or support, ow-, of 1¤<i¤¤¤¤ ·--- 79, 586, 939 swam and Wan ‘ cum mma; 0 Dakota M Silver Bullum Sb IM? f _ 1 _ MI laid S,;’°;:*:,§;? °*? °“*h°“’°d ···- ·· - -·----·- - ····· 467 report of treaties wgith, payments to, ctc. . 89 V E _ _ afift o s’ n- .,,,.,.,,.,.;.,,. c., m¤.p..m».¤.. ...,,,., 1,%;, ""‘°m,,§"1~.,;",.§},“,!;},'§,§ 2,,,°‘,,“‘;,{,,,,°‘},- _ · strictiom not applicable to, etc . 946 for rwomso -------------------- 27,613; ¤°91 r { mir t ¤ wh .._, . {0i' *¤¤¤P°i"¤·*iQ¤ Qf mi¤°¥ °°i¤ —-·-- _613» 1091 mayrlolase 1:1Els to? iyarvniing or grating? ?83’ 93; deficiency appropriation for transportatxgpg _ 1,,,,,% to be approvredl by, ctc_, agent ______ 583 for mcoimgc, fmmticnal _ uu nn""-- ’ 110 Sigfera Island_L5g;_1t, St. Lawrence River, _ . . ppropuatnon or gas buoy . .,.,_, 1;; for transportation of minor . . .. 110 , , Sm,,,,, Om,". Pu Salesfor Fortyicatnona and Coast Defaaaca, Pension incmsud ____ __ ______ _ ___________ 1441 appropriation for ,,.. 400 $,,,,0,,,,, Simon, Sztka, Alaska, _ _ payment to administrator of .. .-.. 1187 "PP'“°P"i“ °“ f°’ "°P*"*¤ m*¤¤° b¤'· Simpwn, Clarlaa, alias Frank Dunn, , ”"k¤ -·-----· , -----· - ····-- · ---·- 38% 1043 8,,,,,,;,,,] honorable ,[;,chm.g, ____ _ ________ 1579 dotic1e¤cynappr<;,g;1atiou for vault for Sgm, ,;,,,,8,, cou roco . . . ... .-.. 130 for Government wharf. ,... ,, ._,,,_ _,__ 660 .q;£;Z:°.,:° t° `'``'```'`“'``'` ```' " '``` 1209 Swlew Rip". or}:1·,_ apprbpmtiul; fm. conmpgmnml _ ______ 267, 857 Sigppropmation or lmprovement of ...2 1132 lo k h .. . , ‘“ _ _ Sinylgf $[45355 52 271, 831 I .$P[;\'0P1'18$\0!! foI‘ 0011SuI . . , .,_, 270, 830 granted honorable dimhargo .. . ,.,,. , 1564 Su: Nationy of New ork Ipdiang, Singleton, Andrew .[.,_ _ approprnatxon for tulfilling treaty with . , 74, payment to admnmstratrnx of 1165 _ 582, 934 Sinking Fond, D. C., · S•xlnenth_Strect, D. C., gpfproprmtnon for .. -. . ,.,, 539, 1059 0Xf•8¤Si0D of --.. . . - ..,__ , _,__ 1344 or odicom,. ·. . . . 526, 1047 Skecn, Wdaon, _ _ sion (lug and Omaha Railway Compmgp payment to administrator of ..,, _ _,,____ _ 1177 right or way through Omaha and inne- Skweq, M9•·y¢¢r¢¢ Lore (widow), bago Rcsorvatmns . ,.,,,_, _ 912 pension increased ...,..,_ __ ______ 1520 Sioux Indian Reservation, Dak., Skiles, Cornelia I. (widow), posom; to settlers ou; payment ,.,___ 1102 pension increased . , ..__,___ __ 1405 Sioux Indians, Devils Lake, N. Dak., Skumerz, L. A., appropriation for support, etc., of. .. 78, 536, 938 dotioxoncy appropriation for rcimburgin doticioncyappmpdatippforsupport of. 144, 1234 I postal revenues for funds doposimg ,Siou.1;I••d£m•a Diferenf `bca · y -... . .. -. .,.,,,_ , 134 appropriation for fulhlliné treaty with. . 74, SW1P1g0f], Charles M-, _ . 582,935 dchcloncy appropriation for ____ _ _______ __ 663 for clothing, atc .--- ...-- - --.. 74,582,935S’Elallam_IndiaM, Wash., for agricultural articles .. . . 74, 582, 935 appropriation for support, etc., of ,. -, 78 payment of money .. .. .. 74,582,935 i Slate, Sarah, dolivory of woolon clothing directed. 74, 582 payment to administrator of , .,,,___ __ __ _ 1155 {Of ·----· · ----- - -·-·---·- 74, Fisz,935 SUNG Trade, Bureau for Rqprgyioih for addliwml ¤¤1Pi•>y¤¤¤ ·--·--·-·- 74, v8?, 9? { appropriation for contribution ,___ _ ,___ 3 337 for subsistence, oh! . · -.·-·--··-·-·. 4 g Sleeping Con, ’ limit ofrationn . .-.. . ..·.. 582, 936 Q stamp tax on berths ..,.,, .,,, ,,__ _ ______ _ 43;