Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1976

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1946 IN DEX. Rawlins, James B., P¤·z¤· Records of the War of the Rebelli0n——-Cont’d. P=¤g¤· pension .,_, . . . .- . 1416 appropriation for compensation board of Rawlins, Maj, Gen. John A., pub1ication,expcrts, etc .. - . 635 removal of remains to national cemetery, for contingent expenses, etc ---. 635 Arlington, Va .. . .. . . .- 1387 for printing and binding --- 1119 Rqwwn, Henry C., appropriation for clerks, etc., naval 301, 874- granted honorable discharge . .. . . 1528 for continuing publication, etc . . . -301, 874 Ray, David A., deficiency appropriation lor continuing payment to .- - . .. - ... -- - - 1171 publication . ._ . . . - .. 667 Ray, Margaret, for office repairs . . ..._._...,... 772 payment to .. . ... . . . . 1165 distribution to members Fifty-fifth Con- Real Estate, D. C., gross, not already entitled; binding, probate of wills devising, etc .. . . 434 etc . . . ... . . --.. 1804 Realty Company, undistributed quotas of members of Fifty- deficiency appropriation for paying jndg- fourth Congress credited to succesment .-.. .. -. .--- .. 140 sors, naval .. . . T 35 Rebellion, Records of the Rebellion, Office of, disability imposed by fourteenth amend- appropriation for repairs to building. 300 mont for euga ing iu, removed . 432 deficiency appropriation for repairs .. 696 Rebellion Records (see liecords of tho Rebel- Recruiting, lion). deficiency appropriation for expenses of. 148, 1246 Receipt, Red Croce, International Conference oj, . ‘ stamp tu on warehouse . 462 appropriation for expenses of delegates. . 59 with tax paid to be given coneignor of toward expenses of conference. - - .- · 59 goods by carrier ... 459 Redjield, Paymaster J, B., C'. S. N., gmmp tax on, for goods for exportation -- 459 may accept medal from Russia . .. .- .. 1549 Receivers of Public Moneys, Red Fish Bar Light Station, Ter., appropriation for .. . . - . 32, 618, 1095 appropriation for reestablishing .. -... 601 dencieney appropriation for salaries. -. 708, 1231 Red Hook Channel, New York Harbor, for reimbursements for excess of de· appropriation for improvement; contracts 44, — posits ., . . . . 708, 713, 1247 · 630, 1124 appointment oi for Alaska .. . ---- 215 Rod Lake and Red Lake River, Mina., appointment for each land district- - -- 234 appropriation for survey of .. - . -.-... 1145 accountability for sales, etc . . ---. ..-- 234 Red Lake Indian Reservation, Mimi., Receivers of United States Courts, appropriation for school building . . .. 576 deficiency epproplriation for protecting Red Lake River, Mimi., property in ands of -.-... - -... 133 appropriation for improvement of -. .. 1145 courts of bankruptcy to appoint -..---. 545 Red River, La., Rechtin, Henry, appropriation for lighting -... . ..-.. 16, 602, 1080 deiciency appropriation for 1-eimbnrsing . 680 construction of bridge authorized across, at Reciprocity (see Tiinf of 1897), _ Grand Ecore, La . - . .. . . 351 President may enter into negotiations --.. 203 at Shreveport, La ...-.,.. . . 355 duty on goods to be such as specified in Red River, La., Ark., and Ind. T., treaty, etc. . . . . 204 appropriation for improvement of ,- . - 1140 Rocoynizancea, Red irer of the North, Mimi., police court, D. (2., to issue executions on appropriation for sufferers from Hoods 219 forfeited . . . . . .. . . . . 344 or improvement of · 1145 stamp tax on, for performance of duties, Red River of the North, Mimi., and N. Dok., etc .. . . . . -. .. . . 461 preliminary examination ot] to be made. . . 1158 · Recoinoge, Red River, Tex., ` appropriation for, of gold coin . . 27, 613 preliminary examination oi to be made. . . 1160 of silver coins . .-. .. . . . . 613, 1091 Redarine, James A., deficiency appropriation for, of gold coin. 109 payment to mlurinistratrix of .. . . 1175 of ilver coins. ... . 15, 110 , Reed, Liiward, . Record, * _ payment to .. . . . . 1178 of unstamped instrument, not to be made. 455 I Reed, Horace G., . Record and Pension ofice, War Department, granted certiticate of discharge from naval a propriation for o erke, etc 298, 871 service .. . . . .,, 1529 clerks restriciicd to work of . . . . 299, 871 Reed, James Y., appropriation for pay of oilleer; longev- payment to .. . . . . . . , - 1182 ity . ·. .. - . . . 320, 1067 Reed, William, lor repairs to building- - -. . .. 300, 871 payment to administrator or ..,___ _ ______ - 1133 for rent -- . . ..-- - .-... . . . 300, 871 Ready Island, Delaware Ricer, for Rebellion Records, continuing publi~ appropriation for expenses, etc., quarancation ... . Z .. -. 871 tine service . . . . 599, 616, 1077, 1094 deficiency appropriation for repairs 696, 772 Reese, Warren S., · rank ofpresent chief -.. .. ..-. 979 deticiency appropriation for payment to;. 136 rank of assistant chief- .. - .. . . 979 Rcerea, William C`., Recorder of Deeds, D. C., l payment to administrator of ,,,, ____ _____ _ 1175 deficiency appropriation for ... ... 1222 E Referee, use of typewriting machines in office of, E in bankruptcy proceedings, appointment, authorized. . . . . .- . . 769 ; duties, etc . . .-,_ ______ _ ____ 555 Recording Clocks, Ezseculire Departments, i Referee, Court of Claims, to be speaiiically appropriated for. ... 655 deficiency appropriation for J. W. Anderfnrther use of, forbidden, etc ... -- 864 son --.. .. .. -... 117 Records of the War of the Rebellion, _ Reyiaing Works (see Bonded Warehouses). appropriation for continuing publication. 50, Refornmtories and Prisons, D. C., 635, 871, 874 appropriation tbr support of convicts. . 539, 1060 set to be furnished Senators, Repre— for care of court-house.- .. . . 539, 10W sentatives, and Delegates. . . . . . . . L . . 50 for jail; warden; maintenance .. 539, 1060