Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1910

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1 880 INDEX. Hono»·abIe Diacharge—C0ntinued. Page-Hospital M'ah·0ns, Army, Page- Smith, Lewis C. L .. . ... -- 1508 appropriation for pay ,... 320 Stoddard, James A .. . . . . . 1469 Hoapita Is, Army, gtolle, gurl IQ W .- . . . . . .. 1528 appropriation for construction and truw, anis ... - - . . . -- - - 1517 re air . . . . . . 324, 1071 Sweet, Charles . . . . . .. 1579 Hospitals, Foreign, Thompson, Charles . . . 1565 appropriation for contribution, at Pana- Tiernon, Thomas G . . . 1527 ina. .. . . . . 272, 833 Van Ober, We ley . . . . 1557 ~ Hospital Stewards, Army, Veunum, Benjamin F 1557 , appropriation for constructing quarters, Von Bremsen, Theo - -. . . . 1503 * etc . . . .- ,--- 324, 1072 West, Thomas ... . ... . . . . 1566 , limit to number, etc., temporarily sus- Willoughby, John - ... 1514 ‘ pended .. ... - .. 428 Winkler, Corpdon . ... ... . ... 1576 1 increase not to exceed 100 . - .. 428 Woodward, \ illiam Henry .. . . . . 1548 l Hot Spring, Hoodonpyle, Robert, certain land about, ceded to Wyomiug - -- 96 payment to administrator of . . -. . 1181 , Hot Springs, Ark., Hooker and Grant Counties, Nebr., ; appropriation for re airs, etc., to Army and appropriation for completing resurvey of. 1098 1 Nav Hospitall .. . ... 324, 1072 Hoopa Valley Agency, Cal., 2 for su lies .. . ... . . 325 apipropriation for Indian agent at . - . 63, 572 for public building . . . . . 983, 1076 or mcidental expenses Indian service . . 63, 586 addition, etc., Army and Navy Hospital for support, etc., of Indians . - . . 78, 586, 938at . . . . . 1072 Hooper Ialgnd, Chesapeake lfu{3Md.,_ i lands granted to Knights of Pythias for a appropnatron for estabhs ng light and : sanitar1um,etc .. .. . . . Z. . .. 403 · fo lfoipigtppl station. . 130; [ constructing, eteh; of oipservatornes, etc., 399 r 1 e non ..-. .. . _ [ ma e au or1ze . .. . . - Hooper, Igillian B., · , Hottenateiniieoatin 0., payment to assignees of ... --. 1191 , pension increased .. . . . ...,,., 1516 “Hope," Brig, I Hough, Austin, appropriation for paying French spolia- i payment to .. . . . . , . . .._,, 1168 tion claims .. ---. .. -.-. 11% Hough, Lucius, Hope and He? Mission, D. C., payment to .. . . , ,,,,, ,, , _ 1181 appropriat on for maintenance 541, 1062 Houghton, Jejfrey, Hop ina, Caleb, payment to administrator of .. . ,. 1164 payment to administrator of --Q. . 1195 Houghton, Mich. , H;);•s•;·:;u%fl{•;*d¤ J-, · 1408 use of bpslge porous Portage Lake by rail- --·--·--· - ··-····--•· --· ro s e c - ..., . . 363 HopIrinso1•,Lm¢•¢ll H., - _ __ Hours of Labor, ` “1l;:’::;?;*,}Y;;’;i;““d ·--· · ·-------· - -·----··· 1460 I esttzblisbe?) in Execptixgs Departments ,.,, 316 · 7 ‘ 1 ex nsion s eci .. . .. . . appropriation for paying French spolia- Honatonic Rgmfcox, or Br _ 316 · . •'I Hwy"' tum cxmms ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘’‘‘‘‘‘*‘‘‘·‘‘·· 1204 appropriation for improvement of ... . 1134 I I appropriation for consulate at Asrsu, to be H°"“· G· WW . . in place of ______ _ __________________ 270 payment to administrator of .-.. . 1011 Hornbaker, Joh; R,, House of the Good Shepherd, D. G., payment to __,__,,,,,,_,, · , , ,_____ ___ _ ____ 1135 appropriation for maintenance - .. 541 Hm-n Island Harbor, Min., Home of Representatives, survey; ordered of pass from Gulf of Mexico 403 appropziationd gz] compensation of Memo ... .. . .. . rs an e stes ... 280 850 appropriation {or improvement of , . . . .,.. 1140 for mileage .. g,, ,,,. . , . .. 280: 850 Horses, American, for S ker’s omce, clerks, etc 280, 850 printing of report on export demon;] for-__ 1801 for omloin ____ ___ ,____,,_ _ _,,,,,,,, 280, 850 Horace, Amy, for Clerk of the House, clerks, etc 280, 850 appropriation for purehase, etc., limit,. 323,1070 for chief engineer, assistants, etc . 280, 850 dencnency appropriation for .. . . .. 143 for clerks and messengers to committees, for, lost m mal tary service , 143, 1246, 1249 annual ,, , ,,,.,.,_,_, . . . . 281. 850 for purchasing..:... .._ . .. 394, 701, 777 for clerks to committees, session .. 281, 851 suspension of provision limiting number of for Sergeantmt-Arms, deputy, etc 281, 851 draft animals I .. 433,1350 I for Doorkeeper, assistants, etc . .. 281,851 uf certain provisions relative to number ; for superintendent of folding r00m,etc. 281, 851 H pun·2l;ased . . ... 433, 1351 l for snkperinteudent of document room, ofQc8,Qc_· almj, I 8c___________,__,___,___,,,____, doficioncy appropriation for ..,,.. ,,,, 143 for pages, laborors, etc ______ _ _ _ , , , _ , _ Horses, Diyeasea of the, _ for Joel Grayson . 282, 852 appropriation for publishing report on . .. 338 for assistants, document room 282, 852 Horton, -l.tLé., 1211 foppostmaster, assistants, etc ,... 282, 852 paymen o . . . . .-.. ..-- . .orses, mai we ons etc .. .. 282 852 Hoskins, George C., _ for official reportgrs of debates ... 282, 852 . payment to administrator of . 1181 for stenographers to committees .. 282, 852 Hospital Clorpa, Army, "durin the session " to mean 121 days. 282, 852 apprepnation for psy .-.-------··----- 318, 1065 · for cleri hire, Members and Delegates. 282, 852 deficiency appropriation forlpay . . 698, 774, 1223allowance to Meinberselect .. .: 282 852 printing (pf Manual of Dr: fer, anthor- 740 ¥ for cioxhliingent expenses, materials for r ]Z6 _______________,,_,,,...,,.,,,, Q ]¤ ______________,________,,, - Hoapifal Corps, Navy, l for fuel an% oil ... gg, 8533 ootoblighgd, organization; appointments, l for furniture and mpoigg, _____,,_.,,, 282; 853 etc _... . . . . ... Z 474 l for paeking boxes ..., . .. . 282, 853 vooonmoo, how filled, pay; longevity, etc . . 475 for miscellaneous itoing ,,,_,, ,,, . .,,, 283, 853