Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1888

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1858 mnnx. District of Columbia—C0ntinued. PageDistrict of Columbia—Continued. PS30- building lines on streets less than 90 feet for the extension of Sixteenth street NW. 1344 wide; appraisal proceedings ... 802 Eleventh street NW .. . . 1344 expenses apportioned according to ben- New Hampshire avenue .. . . --.. 1345 ent received, etc ...803 redemption of outstanding certificates of existing projecting buildings to remain, board of public works . . 1383 etc .,.. -- .. 803 for distribution of Compiled Statutes of. . 1389 projections on street parkings; control Commissioners authorized to alter certain ` of; regulations .. . . - - .. 803 health ordinances of board of health. 1390 ' proceedings for admission to Government relocation of tracks of City and Suburban Asylum for the Insane changed 811 Railway Company . --.. 1392 prevention of smoke in; penalties, etc . .. 812 conveyance of Pom K. S0h’s property, in provisions not applicable to private res- 812 , b ltrust for his heirs .. . --1 1402 f idences .. - . qui c aim, etc., to certain pro erty runtec inspector; devices for preventing .. 812 Francis und J uriuh Hali -. 1404 extension of Rhode Island avenue 834 release of pro erty irom alien forfeiture of condemnation proceedings, etc. - --- 834 Michael)McNu1ty . . - . . . 1477 arrcarages of taxes due to July 1, 1897, to Mathildn. Akerblom Molin. . .-.. 1489 be refzeived at 6 per cent in lieu of 835 Charlotte Ja Gottwals .- 1430 pena ties and costs etc Minnie 1•`re erich -. - -. - --- - ..-. 1529 construction of roadway, authorized from Galen E. Green authorized to close Cuvier Brigntwocgi avenue across Rock street, etc .- . ... . . ,, 1464 Cree Par ..-... . .-...-... 845 · · - · · ,, A widening or Ninm-»¤~¤ ·¤¤»¤¤ NW .--- 891 DT£'§ZZZ{,tC£ZZ§YfZ§‘£’02’"£»"£$Z°i?’aZ"i;'£€£"`5- 231 . payment of claims for material and labor to distribute to hairs _________________ 231 _ mm19h9d llulmlngs ·-·-·-·- ; ·------ 906 to give notice, etc., of sale of property for nationalmelebratxon of the establishment taxes in m.mMs__ _ ______ _ 250 °f mm ““t °f G°V°’¤m°“t --~-·---·· 908 to have control of wharf pro ertv in- - N · 1377 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ certificates, <1i¤r>¤¤iti¤¤ of ·--- 921 hmm- une; to be nemmaneii, by cmei·`E»}· to regulalte height of buildings in ...- 922 Engineers and ______ _ ______________ 1378 C°mms‘:2’°:;{5;:;;°Qm°"° d*m8°'°u¤ °1' mk 923 to report number of temporary employees. 527é uncovered wells on uninelosed lots do- D. _.d d 104 clared nuisanoes . .. .. - . 923 °5° in °¤. t f . removal of weeds from lands in \Vashing- °° °'r:t;°1%&£2ym°g§Lg: °'* ° # m bank' 563_ ton .. .. - ... 959 . “ °°°° --·---—·--·····- punishment of seduction in . - 1010 D"’°"* G°:'¥° A'! f _ protection of birds and game -. -. 1012 P;lym°°B ° °¥°°'g°r ° ·· ················· 1187

  • 0 P¤¤g$;;;,;·g}° of i¤*··¤i¤·**¤¤ ¤¤¤··~ ·>¤ 1013 = ”;,.p‘Z’£,§,'m2€'!I1“é’0, ¥L'1’.11'£'3:mg, etc .. .. 1090

limit of requisitions on Treasury 1064 } D°b°y Bm} Q"" . _ 9 no drgwbmgg cgggacuws to issue after i D:g;£r0pr1ation for 1mpr0w ement of bar 11..6 quo , 1 .. -. ..-..--. .. 1064 { ’ . . . half exgense instruction of indigent blind applgpnatwu f°f ummm MY d°°k°‘ *'‘‘‘‘ 0 ildygn tg bg paid by, em _ __,,,.. . 1101 l f ugelaséonsl ocgtuali cost ’ '"' "" 51 circuit court, otqqjurigs may try issues in 1 °r 60 . outing ''’''' ${9 orphans, coun _____ ____ _ _____ 1114 dimensions, location, cost 379 to amend act incorporating Washington ( g°“t’&°:°°1‘ ‘ ‘‘·‘‘‘‘ ‘ j' ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ and University Railway Compnnyl. 1343 _ Ogr. ° °°“ ° D"? FY ° ?.° S* "P°" ‘‘‘· ‘ to punish impersonation of weigbmnsters I d° °1°3:Hfa&grzPr]°t1°u °r H°°’ting dry, 695 in----------.I------------.-------- S ... -. ‘ quitclaim to Thomas Yates of certain lots f Uocummt Fo9m: HW" of ]?eP"“’”*““”“» in ...,, r .. . . . . . . . . . 1346 approprintion for superintendent, etc. . . 281, 851 correction of records of War Departmentf9¥'_*”*°t’*“t° --·--—-· -g-· · -··-- 28k 851 in respect to certain lots in 1346 dehciency appropriation for assistants 140 to provide site for building for Public Li- ; Dowmml B*;?”*» *§_°”“*°» _ t d t raryin ...,. ,. ..-.. .. . 1372 { upproprm ion or superm en en , assist- Washington and Gettysburg Railway Com- I ants, etc .. . .. 279, 848 pony to extend its ling of road {m0_ 1373 , Document Sectum, Division of Publications, Detc issue free transfers good on Mgrylgud , pertinent of Agric_ulLu¢·e, _ and Washington Railroad Company I appropriation for assistant in charge, zéucl1Eck%1gt0n and Soldiers' Home clerks, etc . 2,331,948 an way ompsny ... . . 1375 Documents to distinctly designate parcels of land in, in ceded,Spanish territory, relinquishment {O1' aSS6S8m8¤f and taxation-, .. 1376 and disposal of ______ _ , _____ _ _ _ _ ____ 1758 control of wharf property in ., . .. 1377 - Documonla, Public, harbor lines to be determined by Chief of . time for distributing, by members of Con- Eugigggrs mid Commissioners of the g gross, oxtgndgd ____ _ __________ _ _ _ _ 62, 217 District of Columbia ... 1378 Q Dodd, John W., to quiet iam] titles in __,,,_ , _,_,_ _ ___,,,, 1379 pension increased ________ ___ _____ __ ______ 1397 for the extension of Pennsylvania avenueDodd: Ferry, Miss., SE -.--·- · .---- - ----·---.-.. .. . 1380 bridge authorized across Ynlobushs River, 366 Stoughton street ,, . .. . . 1381 Dodge, Gardner, E¤ki¤g’|>0¤ place --·--·--------· 1381 , grunted honorable discharge . .. . ,..,. 1550 Sherman avenue ... 1381 ‘ Dodge, Pickering, T§V¤¤¤i¢i¤h ¤t1'90t -·-----·--·---- 1381 ; payment to administrator of .. , ...,.. 1191 Fifth street. .. . 1382 Doeblor, John, Howard avenue . . . . . . - . 1382 3 pension increased, ____,_____ _ _______ _ _____ 1567 roadway, Pennsylvania avenue SE. 1383 i Doherty, Judith (widow), S street. . .. 1344 i pension . ,,,,_ _,__ __,_ _ __,______,___,, 1546