Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/161

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122 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 9. 1897. !¤*¤¤•¤¤1¤rl·¤¤- RIVERS AND HARBGBS. gg3v3g Rivsrb Im>Rov1Ne Mrssrssirm Brvmzz For continuing improvement of mono. or omouizim-. Mississippi River from Head of the Passes to the mouth of the Ohio River, six hundred and twentynvc thousand dollars. nmmwromomver IMPROVING MISSISSIPPI Rrvmz FROM THE MOUTH OF THE Omo °°“'" P"“‘ Rivmz. ro SAINT PAUL, Mrmmsornz For continuing improvement from the mouth of the Ohio River to the mouth of the Missouri River, _ three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. _ _ _ R§};;°,j§S'fP¥j;,”°“'* For continuing improvement from the mouth of the Missouri River ` to Saint Paul, Minnesota, two hundred thousand dollars. _ gumlgrlwrl S¢>¤;¤r For continuing improvement of Cumberland Sound: Fifty thousand p,,,§’§`m,§}:‘Q§? m` dollars for sluicing and dredging at the entrance to said sound, in accordance with the revised project of eighteen hundred and ninety- five, as recommended in a communication from the Secretary of War to the Senate, dated June twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety- zyaqno. seven: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed I*““" "‘°°°“‘ as to increase the limit of cost of such improvement beyond the amount heretofore nxed by law. ,,£·;¤¤y¤· M-- S¤¤¢¤ EXAMINATIONS AND smzvnxs AT Scum PAss, Mississrrrr Rrvnn: To supply a deiiciency in the permanent appropriation for securing the uninterrupted examinations and surveys at the South Pass of the Mississippi River, one thousand dollars. $;;·¤;B•;if"*·~ To correct an error in enrolling the Act of June third, eighteen hununbr iii)-enrollment dred and ninety-six, making appropriations for the construction, repair, °°"°°*°d- and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes, the sum of five thousand dollars, to be expended under . and by direction of the Secretary of War in continuing the improvement of the harbor at Green Bay, Wisconsin. MQ,} M°¤¤ R*'°'· The Secretary of War is authorized to pay, out of any imexpended rsymntor costs of balancc·of funds heretofore appropriated for improving Saint Marys ‘“*'·• °‘°· River at the falls, Michigan, the cost chargeable to the defendant under the decree of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Gilmore G. Scranton versus Eben S. Wheeler, the said case being a _ suit of ejectment brought against the said Wlieeler in his odicial capacity as the general superintendent of the Saint Marys Falls Canal, to settle the ownership of the land on which one of the Government nm.-t. piers is built: Provided, That the sum hereby authorized to be paid umn. shall not exceed four hundred and thirty-seven dollars and sixty cents. Mm<j¤¤¤¤* ¤**¤*· _To deiray the expense of removing obstructions in the Kootenai River, above Jennings, Montana, on which vessels have been recently wrecked, the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. ` . Fortihcations. FORTIFIUATIONS. Sandy neck, 1:..1. That the Secretary of \Var bc, and he hereby is, authorized to immediately expend the appropriation: of seventy-Eve thousand dollars made V0l.29,p.642. by the fortification appropriation Act, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, for the construction of a riprap wall for pro- C¤¤¤Hn$r_w¤ ¤¢‘¤~u·~ tection of the eastern beach of United States lands at Sandy Hook, "“" '"‘ *" “New Jersey, notwithstanding that the consent of the legislature of that State required by section three hundred and fifty-tive of the Revised R- S-- =¤¤>··-#55. v-6<>- Statutes has not been given to the purchase of the land on which the money is to be expended. New ¤<¤1>¤r¤¤¤•¤¤¤- NAVY DEPARTMENT. §f;*;;jn*f;,_SF“¤°' To pay bill of Charles D. Sydnor for washing towels for Bureau of Construction and Repair, being balances due him for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, fourteen dollars, and for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-five, three dollars; in all, seventeen o ars.