Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1543

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` 1506 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Gus. 54, 55, 58, 59. 1899. bered twenty-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-eight, check letter A; compound interest note, August fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- four, numbered twenty-seven thousand two hundred and twenty-nine, check letter C, both of last named bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per centum per annum and redeemable three years after date; one year five per centum note, Act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, numbered twenty-two thousand three hundred and ten, check letter 1), bearing interest at the rate of nve per centum per annum and redeemable one year from date, according to the description of said notes set forth in the letter of the assistant treasurer dated March twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, each of said five notes being of the denomination of one

- hundred dollars: Provided, That in ascertaining the value of the notes

there shall be added to the principal of those bearing interest all unpaid interest thereon, according to their terms, to the date when said notes became redeemable, and such amount shall be paid and received in full satisfaction of the claim of the said John Veeley. Approved, January 14, 1899. ' ·T¤¤¤¤7 1Q1m- CHAP. 55.-An Act For the relief of John W. Lewis, of Oregon. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ·{_•·1¤¤ W,1{¤wi•· States of America in Congress assembled That the Secretary of the “""°” °‘ Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to John W. Lewis, register of the land office at The Dalles, Oregon, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five hundred and twenty-one dollars and ninety-seven cents, being the amount of his maximum compensation in addition to his salary from April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, to July seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety. Approved, January 16, 1899. J•¤¤¤¤'Y 251899- »CHAP. 58.-An Act For the relief of William H. King. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United gg2r3K13K2cm_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy manage. °° ° be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to correct the naval record of William H. King, who served during the late war for the suppression of the rebellion on board the United States ships Ohio, Hunch· _ back,_and Yermont, by removing the charge of desertion therefrom and my-aw granting him an honorable discharge: Provided, That no pay or allow· ‘ ’ances shall become due or payable by reason of the passage of this Act. Approved, January 25, 1899. · January 25, 1809. CHAP. 5Q—An Act To remove the charge of desertion standing against the ——-————-—-—— name of Patrick Dougherty, Company A, Thirteenth New York Volunteer Infantry. - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United g¤;:i;:dD;:§•§:3v; States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War inseimge, be, and he 18 hereby, authorized and directed to remove the charge of desertion standing against the name of Patrick Dougherty, late a private in Oompany A, Thirteenth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and to issue him an honorable discharge as of date of twenty-seventh m- m day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-three: Provided, That no allow- 'ances shall become due or payable by reason of the passage of this Act. Approved, J anuuy 25, 1899.