Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/154

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 9. 1897. 115 dollars and sixtyeight cents, and *‘compensation and expenses of officers of election, Utah," twenty-three thousand four hundred and fifty- fonr dollars and eighty-eight cents, the same to be paid to him upon the final rendering of his accounts and proper settlement of the ame, five hundred dollars. UNDER THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. mgpgithsouiuu Insti- For expenses of heating the United States National Museum, one Heating ummm; thousand and ninety-seven dollars and sixty-five cents. M““°““" To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury ch¤:¤;¤¤¤i<>¤¤1 •—¤- ,on account of the appropriation “International exchanges, Smithsonian a g s` Institution,” for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, one dollar and seventy-nine cents.

   Fish Commission,

For rebuilding fish-transportation cars numbered one and three, which Rcbiulding cm. have worn out in the service, ten thousand dollars. For rebuilding steam launch in use on Potomac River in connection S¤>¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤1¤- with shad-hatching station thereon, two thousand dollars. For the construction of a dwelling house for the superintendent at sz. Joimsimy, vt. the station of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries at D"°“‘”g h°““°‘ Saint J ohnsbury, Vermont, two thousand five hundred dollars. For completion of ponds and other purposes, tish hatchery, San §,?;d¥f“°°°»T°*· Marcos, Texas, one thousand eight hundred dollars. ` For completing the construction of the fish-hatchery station at namuesm, 10m. Manchester, Iowa, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, four ,,§Qf‘“‘1‘“‘°b°"' ““" thousand two hundred and sixteen dollars and fifty cents. For the investigation and selection of a fish-cultural station in the S¤1¤c¢i¤¤. vm. of State of Georgia, at some suitable point to be determined by the United §’{fi{,';`§;p‘{,$§,l°,{,°(§1.,,$`,i States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, the site and necessary ¤*¤·¤°¤· grounds for the same to be donated to the Government for such purpose, tive hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; and report of proceedings hereunder shall be made to Congress at its next mpm. session. The foregoing sums under Fish Commission to continue available during the nscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. For the payment of outstanding liabilities incurred during the iiscal W¤;*g‘¤mU¤*°Eé*3j year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, on account of expenses of ZS3R. ° my administration, Western Union Telegraph Company’s account, one hundred and twenty-three dollars and one cent. To pay accounts of the Western Union Telegraph Company for telegraphic service for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-five, seventy-six dollars and seventy-eight cents. For the construction and installation of new boilers for the steamer "Fi¤1¤H¤wk" \><>¤· Fish Hawk, and other necessary general repairs, to continue available m' during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, eleven thonsand dollars. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. bi£i¤¤i¤= ··f ¤·>I¤·¤· Exnotrrivn OFFICE: For amount required to make the salary of the gecntige g*f<=e· Engineer Commissioner five thousand dollars per annum, iiscal year gomggsdugfgmwr eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, eight hundred and forty-four dollars. For amount required to make the salary of the Engineer Commissioner five thousand dollars per annum, iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, two hundred and seventy-nine dollars and six cents. Gononnws ormcn: To pay Doctor Larkin W. Glazebrook, deputy comms oem. coroner, for services for twenty-two days during the fiscal year eighteen P"'“°“° *° °°"“°"‘ hundred and ninetyseven, and for sixteen days during the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, at five dollars per diem; in all, one hundred and ninety dollars.