Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1386

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1348 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 134. 1899. Dfggicyés G°"*¤· Any provision of law which may prohibit the detail of persons in the mm ’ employ of the United States to other service than that which they customarily perform shall not apply to persons detailed for duty in con- .nection with the Ohio Centennial and Northwest Territory Exposition. Employees of the board not otherwise employed by the Government _ shall be entitled to such compensation as the board may determine. ,,,£',,“;'}}"““'g °°"°'* The disbursing officer shall give bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties, said bond to be ·“_;:““é°*:éf:;j;£ approved by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Liism. Treasury shall advance to said officer from time to time, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, a sum oi money from the appropriation for the Government exhibit, not exceeding at any one time three-fourths of the penalty of his bond, to enable ` him to pay the expenses of said exhibit as authorized by the board of _ management herein created. ,¤g;f"°""“‘°"** "‘“‘“‘ Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause a suitable building or buildings, from plans to be approved by the board of management, to be erected on the site selected at the Ohio Centennial and ‘ Northwest Territory Exposition for the Government exhibit; and he is hereby authorized and directed to contract therefor in the same manner and under the same regulations as for other public buildings of the -°°¤* “¤*°°*L United States; but the contract for said building or buildings shall not exceed the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, said sum being hereby appropriated for said purpose out of any money in the Treasury not —¤¤¤1 ·1i¤1¤>¤i*·i¤¤ of- otherwise appropriated. The Secretary of the Treasury shall dispose of such building or buildings or the material composing the same after the close of the exposition, giving preference to the city of Toledo or the Ohio Centennial Company to purchase the same at an appraised value, to be ascertained in such manner as the President and Secretary of the Treasury may determine; and whatever sum may be so realized shall _ be covered into the Treasury of the United States. ex;P,{’·';’_}f"*F*°’ ‘°' SEO. 3. That for the purpose of paying the expenses of the selection, purchase, preparation, transportation, installation, care, and return of said Government exhibit, and for the employment of proper persons as onicers and assistants by the board of management created by this Act and for their expenses, and for the maintenance of the building hereinbefore provided for, and for other contingent expenses incidental to the Government exhibit, to be approved by the chairman of the board of management, or in the event of his absence or disability by such other officer as the board may designate, upon itemized accounts and vouchers, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be disbursed by the board of management hereinbefore created, of which not exceeding the sum of

  • ’*¤¤*··>·_ ten thousand dollars shall be expended for clerical service: Provided,

_,,{}_§’,f;,°’,f,{‘§*,'{,§',c°§‘,§ That no liability against the Government shall be incurred and no m>¤¤¤f¤q¤•1•¤w¤¤•. expenditure of money under this Act shall be made until the officers of said exposition shall have furnished the Secretary of the Treasury · proofs to his satisfaction that there has been obtained by said exposition corporation subscriptions of stock in good faith, contributions, donations, or appropriations from all sources for the purpose of said exposition, a sum aggregating not less than five hundred thousand dollars, nor until the State of Ohio shall by legislative enactment have appropriated a sum of money equal to that herein appropriated. ,.0}”j_f’,*£}f:ed*’,PréPgf“d Sec. 4. That all articles which shall be imported from foreign coun- ’ tries for the sole purpose of exhibition at said exposition upon which there shall be a tariif or customs duty shall be admitted free of pay- ment of duty, customs fees, or charges, under such regulations as the ··“*’°°‘1°°”* °°'° °'· Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; but it shall be lawful at any time during the exhibition to sell, for delivery at the close of the exposition, any goods or property imported for and actually on exhibition in the exposition buildings or on its grounds, subject to such regulations for the security of the revenue and for the collection of import