Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1379

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. UH. 429. 1899. 134] any person under the age oftwenty-one years, under the penalty, upon due conviction thereof, of forieiting such license, and no person so forfeiting his hcense shall again be granted a license for the term of two years. Sec. 479. That in the interpretation of this Act words of the singular I;¤;¤r1>¤¤t¤¤i¤¤ of number shall be deemed to include their plurals, and that words of the w° °` mascgline gender shall be deemed to include the feminine, as the case may e. Sec. 480. That the provisions of this Act shall take effect and be in hWh·>¤ provisions of forge on and after the first day of July, anno Domini eighteen hundred ;i§cf°°° °l"{“ t“k° an ninety-nine. SEc. 481. That in any case where a conviction occurs, except in a m¥*·&v·>¤i¤¤<i¤¤{> ¤¤¤¤ case of murder or rape, the court may, when in its opinion the facts mmmm °°°° ty' and circumstances are such as to make the minimum penalty provided in this Act manifestly too severe, impose a less penalty, either of fine or imprisonment, or both: Provided, That in any such case the court {::;*0- t b shall cause the reasons for its action to be set forth at large on the cordedfms ° ° ’° record in the case. · APPENDIX. Avi¤=¤¤i¤· Referred to in section forty of Title [I of this Act, and containing the manner of stating the act constituting the crime. No. I. IN AN INDICTMENT FOR MURDER. Purposely and of deliberate and premeditated malice killed C D by (shooting him with a gun or pistol, or by administering to him poison, or by pushing him into the water, whereby he was drowned, or by throwing him from the window of a building, or by means unknown to the grand jury, as the case may be). No. 2. IN AN INDICTMENT RoR MIURDER UOMMITTED IN THE Com- Missrorz OR A1‘TEMPT TO t10MM1T RAPE, ARSON, ROBBERY, OR BURGLARY. .. VVas engaged in the commission (or attempt to commit, as the case may be) of arson, by (stating it, as in an indictment therefor). And the said A C, while engaged in the commission (or attempt to commit, as the case may be) of such arson, by his act killed O D, by (striking him with a club, or by other means, or means unknown to the grand jury, to be stated as in number one). No. IN AN INDICTMENT RoR MURDER IN THE SECOND DEGREE. Purposely and maliciously killed C D by (shooting him with a gun or pistol, or by other means, to be stated as in number one). No. 4. IN AN INDICTMENT 1¤oR MURDER IN THE SECOND DEGREE (JDMMTTTED IN THE COMMISSION OR ATTEMPT T0 COMMIT A FELONY. ¥Vas engaged in the commission (or attempt to commit, as the case may be) of the following felony (stating it as in an indictment therefor). And the said A B, while engaged in the commission (or attempt, as the case may be), by his act killed O D, by (striking him with a club, or by other means, to be stated as in number one). No. 5. IN AN INDICTMENT FOR MANSLAUGRTER. Voluntarily killed C D by (shooting him with a gun or pistol, or by other means, to be stated as in number one). .