Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1376

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1338 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 429. 1899. tion shall be paid such clerk for his services in connection with such P*··¤i;¤¤- license or the issue thereof: And provided, That the clerk of said court Cmk ° b°°d' and each division thereof shall give bond or bonds in such amount as the Secretary of the Treasury may require and in such form as the Attorney-General may approve, and all moneys received for licenses by him or them under this Act shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of . the Treasur may prescribe. m§jg*{);g;;;°fi;° Sec. 464. yThat before any license is granted, as provided in this Act wsumue. in relation to intoxicating liquor, it shall be shown to the satisfaction of said court that a majority of the white male and female residents over the age of eighteen years other than Indians within two miles of the place where intoxicating liquor is to be manufactured, bartergd, solld and exchan ed or bartered sold and exchanged have, in goo tait , consented titsé manufacture, barter, sale and excihange, or the barter, sale, and exchange of the same, and the burden shall be upon the applicant or applicants to show to the satisfaction of said court that a majority of the white male citizens have consented thereto, and no g0*·>•i·•>£mi b license shall be granted in the absence of such evidence: Provided, mi.;';:.`; °°u° y That when it is made to appear that a majority of said white male and female residents over the age of eighteen years other than Indians of any one place have consented to the manufacture, barter, sale and exchange, or the barter, sale and exchange of intoxicating liquor, no further proof of the consent of the citizens of the place where said intoxicating liquor is to be manufactured, bartered, sold and exchanged, or bartered, sold and exchanged will be required for twelve months . thereafter. Before linensé is- Sec. 465. That every person applying for a license to sell intoxicating

°§§,PY,1§.§“§0*§ f"' liquors in said District shall lile with the clerk of the court a petition

for slpch license, tpid snack petition shall be considereél ang acted upofp y the court in the or er in which the same was iile an numbere . Salidrpetilgpn shall congainz d . f h I d h h 0•¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤fr¤¤¤¤¤· '. st. e name an residence o the app icant, an ow long e has resided there. Second. The particular place for which license is desired, designating the same by reference to street, locality. or settlement, in such manner that the exact location at which such sale of liquor is proposed may be clearly and definitely determined from the description given. Third. The statement that the applicant is a citizen of the United States, or has declared his intention to become such; that he is not less than twenty-one years of age, and that such applicant has not been, since the passage of this Act, adjudged guilty of violating the laws governing thegale of intoxicating liquors or laws for the prevention of crime in said istrict. Fourth. If any false statement is made in any part of said petition or aflidavit the petitioner or petitioners shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and, upon conviction thereof; his license shall be revoked and he shall be subject to the penalties provided by law for that crime. Fifth. That he intends to carry on such business for himself and not as an agent of any other person, and that if so licensed he will carry ‘on such for himself and not as the agent of any other person. Sixth. That he intends to superintend in person the management of the busipless licensed, and that so licensed he will so superintend in person the mana ement of the usiness so licensed. No the of umm w Sec. 466. Thatgunder the license issued in accordance with this Act '“*“°"·°“’· no intoxicating liquors shall be sold, given, or in any way disposed of to any minor, Indian or intoxicated person, or to an habitual drunkard. License mueassuea Spc. 467. That no license under this Act shall be issued for a greater ’°" °"° *’°“"· period than one year, and no license can be transferred by the licensee to any other person except with the written consent of the court by authority whereof the same shall issue, upon application thereto in writing.